Glass Industry News

With an eye toward further enhancing services and capabilities, HFT formalizes senior leadership team


To further enhance client service, HFT – a provider of glass, industrial, and power-generation solutions – has formalized its senior leadership team to better align with corporate strategic goals. This adjustment focuses the company for expansion in core capabilities, including global engineering, procurement, and construction, while continuing its emphasis on project solutions.

Mark Piedmonte will continue to lead as president and CEO, with added responsibilities. Kevin Yung has been promoted to chief revenue officer. Brad Hall and Jordan Baker join HFT in other leadership roles, serving respectively as chief operations officer and chief financial officer.

“In my experience, one attribute of every successful organization is a willingness to evolve as necessary to more effectively address tasks at hand,” says Piedmonte. “I believe we’ve done exactly that by formalizing the structure of our senior leadership. I’m confident about our direction and I’m eager for the journey ahead.”


Daniel Chen, a recognized glass industry expert who has maintained various leadership roles for HFT during the past two decades, notes: “We have an extremely talented, insightful team of senior leaders, and their individual roles are perfectly in sync with what we want to accomplish moving forward. I’m quite confident they’ll increase our opportunities for developing business – not just in my focus area, but everywhere HFT provides service to clients.”


Chen currently is an executive consultant and advisor to HFT, focused primarily on client relationships and future opportunities throughout Asia.

Following is background on the senior leadership team:


Mark Piedmonte, CEO and president, is directing implementation of the strategic plan, while overseeing growth of individual team members and the company as a whole. He has 40 years of professional experience in the electrical contracting industry, including more than 34 years in the glass sector (float, container, and fiberglass). Having joined HFT in 2001 as an electrical engineer and manager of electrical projects, he has directed projects both domestically and internationally. Prior to being appointed vice president of operations, he served as deputy construction manager, and has been a member of multiple regional electric industry boards and joint committees.


Kevin Yung, chief revenue officer, is responsible for customer success and satisfaction, opening new revenue streams, and strengthening HFT’s pricing strategy by ensuring stakeholder alignment. He has 24 years of senior leadership experience in various industry sectors, and originally joined HFT in 2003 as a project engineer. He successfully managed numerous large-scale, client projects around the world, building expertise in float, container, fiber, and specialty glass. After leaving the company for several years, he returned in 2015 as vice president of operations, and led engineering, construction, procurement, and technical services.


Brad Hall comes to HFT as chief operations officer, with more than 22 years of professional experience in the construction industry. He most recently was corporate vice president of operations for an ENR (Engineering News-Record) Top 400 global general contractor, and his diverse background in heavy civil engineering and building construction features includes such project disciplines as high-end hospitality, industrial facilities, military and defense, parking structures, bridges, roadways, and major infrastructure. He has successfully completed complex projects throughout the continental U.S., Hawaii, and in the Caribbean.


Jordan Baker has joined HFT as chief financial officer, with responsibility for accounting, treasury, Technology & Systems, and overall administration. His nearly 15 years of comprehensive experience includes serving as director of finance for a furniture, fixtures, and equipment supplier, controller for an ENR Top 400 global general contractor, and CFO for an international electrical contractor, a clothing retailer, and a restaurant franchise.

, © HFT

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