Glass Industry News

Watlow to showcase Eurotherm solutions at glasstec Dusseldorf

, Eurotherm

Watlow will be exhibiting Eurotherm’s solutions from booth C13 in hall 15 from 22-25 October, 2024.

To watch Mikael Le Guern’s presentation, visit the ‘glass trends live’ talk at stage one, hall 10, stand A70 at 11:10am to 11:30am CEST on 24 October.

On 22-25 October 2024, industrial technology company Watlow, will exhibit at glasstec, taking place at Dusseldorf Exhibition Centre, Germany. At the show, Watlow will showcase the latest power and process solutions from Eurotherm — a company it acquired in 2022 — which offer the industry improved sustainability and efficiency.

glasstec is a leading trade show for the global glass industry, drawing in 936 exhibitors from 47 countries, along with 30,000 trade visitors from 119 countries. The show is aimed at those working in mechanical engineering, manufacturing, processing and finishing, as well as architecture, construction and energy.

This year, the show’s themes will discuss digital technologies, decarbonisation, and the circular economy, with decarbonisation being at the forefront of both Watlow’s and Eurotherm’s product offering.

Watlow will showcase Eurotherm’s recent power and process solutions including DES power box and DES power skid. The DES power box is a standardised off-the-shelf SCR power control system, ideal for 5kW up to 300kW electrical heating applications. Regarded as the “path to green glass”, the DES power skid aims to improve manufacturing efficiency, flexibility and scalability, supporting the glass industry’s transformation to hybrid and all-electric furnaces.

To further showcase the importance of switching to electric from fossil fuels, Mikael Le Guern, Global Glass Business Development Manager at Watlow, will present at the show on October 24. His presentation will focus on how to bring evolutive and scalable thyristor based electrical boosting and melting solutions into glass furnaces for progressive decarbonisation.

“There is increasing pressure for the glass industry to decarbonise,” said Michael Brownhill, Business Development Manager, Power Products and Glass at Eurotherm. “Glass manufacturers who don’t make the leap to modern control technologies not only risk failing to meet energy and environmental targets laid out by governments, but will miss out on technology innovation, economic opportunities, and further environmental benefits support global decarbonisation.

“With that in mind, this year’s glasstec is the perfect place for us to demonstrate and discuss how advanced thermal solutions such as the DES power box and DES power skid support the transition to decarbonisation,” continued Brownhill.

“The show is a great opportunity to connect with customers from the glass industry and talk about how our solutions can optimise their operations — specifically when switching from fossil fuels to electric burning systems.”

, © Eurotherm

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