Glass Industry News

Vitro Inaugurates Coater 8 in Mexicali, the Most Sophisticated Glass Coating Oven in North America

, Vitro, SAB de CV

• With an investment of nearly US $60 million, Vitro gains a production capacity of over 6 million square meters of coated glass, solidifying its position as one of the leading global glass manufacturers.

• Vitro reaffirms its commitment to fighting climate change by offering increasingly eco-efficient products that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

• The architectural glass coating oven, Coater 8, will produce layered glass with Solarban™ nanotechnology, which controls solar radiation and enhances thermal insulation.

Vitro, SAB de CV (BMV: VITROA), a leading glass manufacturer in North America, inaugurated its new architectural glass coating oven, Coater 8, located at its Mexicali plant, the most sophisticated of its kind in North America.

With an investment of approximately $60 million, Coater 8 adds to Vitro a production capacity of more than 6 million square meters of coated glass, characterized by coatings with nanotechnology, useful for controlling solar radiation and improving thermal insulation, capabilities increasingly in demand in the architectural and automotive industries, among others.

This increase in the production capacity of the Vitro Architectural Glass business unit resulted in a 20% increase in direct job creation at the Mexicali plant, which, in addition to providing greater opportunities for economic and professional development for the community, will help stimulate the economic activity in the region and the state of Baja California.

"This new investment in infrastructure propels Vitro toward its goal of continued growth and consolidation as one of the leading global glass manufacturers while reinforcing our commitment to combating climate change. Vitro offers increasingly eco-efficient products that contribute to reducing greenhouse gases, helping minimize the demand for air conditioning and artificial lighting in buildings and the production of automobiles with high-performance coatings for reduced fuel consumption," stated Adrián Sada Cueva, CEO of Vitro.

Coater 8 includes the production of glass with Solarban™ nanotechnology coatings, which can reduce solar heat gain in homes and buildings by up to 75%, insulating the interior up to 6 times more effectively than standard glass. With this new oven, Vitro will be able to produce jumbo-sized layered glass (up to 3.30 x 6.10 meters), highly sought after in the regional market for constructing buildings that aim to control heat and preserve air conditioning more effectively, as well as for vehicles with glass that enable improved fuel efficiency and comfort, and white goods that better insulate food and beverages, among other applications.

Representatives from all levels of government attended the inauguration event, including customers, executives, and members of Vitro's board of directors.

This investment in the Mexicali plant adds to other recent investments made by Vitro in various national and international projects, such as the new Containers furnace in Toluca and investments in its United States plants to supply glass for solar panels, along with ongoing investments in research and development to achieve more efficient and competitive processes, reduce costs, and increase productivity.

, © Vitro, SAB de CV

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