Glass Industry News

Virtual LiSEC Campus “All in one solutions”: cumulative specialist knowledge over four days

, LiSEC GmbH

Between 27 and 30 October 2020, the virtual LiSEC Campus will be welcoming visitors from around the world.

During the event, guests will be able to visit digital and virtual pavilions to view and experience impressive LiSEC machine holograms and 3D models, as well as the entire LiSEC product range live.

There will also be a series of moderated expert discussions, insights into the production process, online seminars and interactive communications options to complete the Campus programme.

LiSEC “all in one solutions”
The LiSEC Campus will showcase LiSEC as an all-round partner for sheet glass processors – and all under the banner “all in one solutions”, LiSEC’s philosophy. As a single-source supplier, LiSEC offers a broad range of products and supplies systems and automation of the highest quality from a single source. With almost 60 years in the industry, LiSEC has accumulated a wealth of user knowledge, making it the expert in glass processing.

In addition, LiSEC combines machine expertise with innovative software and one-off service solutions. LiSEC partners Schraml Glastechnik, Glastronic, Glastech and Cericom also play an important role in LiSEC “all in one solutions”. Each will have its own digital exhibition pavilion at the Campus, where they will be showcasing their latest innovations.

LiSEC CEO, Gottfried Brunbauer, is already feeling excited about the virtual trade fair, “Thanks to Covid-19, completely different ways of maintaining contact with customers, including digitally, have become acceptable, much more so than before the pandemic. Enhanced digital communication has brought about an acceleration and, in many cases, a simplification for us as a group of companies.” Together with the LiSEC management, team, Mr Brunbauer will be taking part in a live podium discussion on the first Campus day, 27 October, to introduce the “all in one solutions” philosophy.

A varied programme
LiSEC will be offering insights into the production process on each of the four Campus days, and discussing solutions and their benefits with experts. The programme also includes the new product range for lamination as well as the latest generation of LiSEC laminated glass cutting machines.

A significant proportion of the supporting programme will be devoted to digitalisation, service, after-sales support and software solutions. Innovative LiSEC products can help glass processors to evaluate machine data to enable them to optimise production and identify errors more quickly. One such example is LiSEC.eye: this digital solution gives LiSEC employees and service technicians an app that allows them to communicate with customers in real-time, enabling them to rectify problems there and then.

Robotics will also be discussed at the LiSEC Campus. On 29 October, LiSEC will be demonstrating the flexibility and performance of state-of-the-art industrial robots in tempering bed loading.

Online registration is open
Interested visitors can register via until 27 October 2020. Registration is also open for targeted online seminars.

, © LiSEC GmbH

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Wir haben unsere internationale Studie über die Glasindustrie (Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware) für 2025 aktualisiert.

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