Glass Industry News

Vetropack Straža continues to invest in renewable energies

, Vetropack

Vetropack Straža d.d. is in the process of making production at its plant in Hum na Sutli ever more sustainable – with the upcoming installation of a third solar power plant, Vetropack Straža III. The project, co-financed by the Modernisation Fund, is expected to decrease the site’s carbon emissions by 300 metric tons annually and is further evidence of Vetropack's commitment to protect the climate, in line with the “Transparent Sustainability“ guideline outlined in Vetropack's 2030 strategy.

«The Vetropack Straža III solar power plant is an example of the significant impact of strategic investments in improving our energy efficiency and reducing our environmental footprint.»

Darko Šlogar, Managing Director at Vetropack Straža d.d.


The project is set to begin in September 2024 and will span 11 months, during which 4,483 photovoltaic modules and 25 inverters will be installed on the roofs of key facilities. Co-financing of the project known as MF-2023-1-1-120 comes through an agreement with the Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Green Transition and the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund. Valued at EUR 1,363,108.89, the project receives co-financing of EUR 817,865.33 from the Modernisation Fund. 

All the energy generated will be used for producing glass bottles and jars in the plant in Hum na Sutli. “The project contributes to Vetropack's sustainable development by reducing energy consumption by approximately 1900 MWh and greenhouse gas emissions by 300 tonnes of CO2 per year,” says Mario Berc, Technical Manager at Vetropack Straža. 

Installing solar plants and using the generated renewable energy in production directly supports Vetropack's goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 30 percent per tonne of glass produced by 2030 (compared to 2019 levels). These carbon emission reduction targets are aligned with science-based data as provided by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Vetropack first announced its commitment to the initiative in 2022 and has submitted specific CO2 emission reduction targets to the SBTi for validation in April 2024.

On the path to renewable energy since 2019

Darko Šlogar, Managing Director of Vetropack Straža, pointed out: “The Vetropack Straža III solar power plant is an example of the significant impact of strategic investments in improving our energy efficiency and reducing our environmental footprint. This third installation at our plant, following the first two implemented in 2019, represents a significant step forward in our commitment to sustainable production and corporate responsibility.” At Vetropack Straža, previously unused large roof areas had been transformed into a productive asset with the installation of 3,400 solar panels as early as 2019. These panels cover an area of 5,565 m2 and generate an estimated 1,000 MWh of electricity per year, which is used to power air compressors. Mario Berc said at the time: “We have broken new ground with this project.” 

Since 2019, Vetropack Straža has further advanced its sustainable energy initiatives, notably by joining the KOER virtual power plant in 2023. This partnership contributes to the stability of the Croatian energy system through the integration of new renewable capacity, enabling Vetropack Straža to play an important role in supporting a more sustainable energy infrastructure. The new solar power plant further increases Vetropack's renewable energy output and strengthens its role in the virtual grid, improving energy management as Croatia transitions to a more sustainable energy sector.

Ensuring stability: synthetic and natural gas integration

Vetropack Straža also continuously strengthens its energy management strategies with a focus on operational stability. One example of this is the construction of gas stations, which provide the plant with reliable alternative energy sources in the event of disruptions to the public gas supply. This integrated technical solution combines synthetic gas (produced by mixing liquefied petroleum gas and air) and natural gas from compressed natural gas storage to ensure overall seamless production operations in the event of an interruption. “Reliable energy and resource supplies are crucial to us but so is climate protection. Our solar power plants grant us both,” summarises Darko Šlogar. “Every step Vetropack takes on its sustainable journey reinforces its role as a leader in the sustainable transformation of the industrial sector. These efforts demonstrate a commitment to not only meet but set new standards in sustainability and operational excellence.”

, © Vetropack

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