Glass Industry News

Vetropack opens fully automated warehouse in Boffalora sopra Ticino

, Vetropack

It is a glimpse into the future: Vetropack, one of Europe's leading glass manufacturers, is embracing the full potential of a smart factory in Italy. At its new manufacturing site in Boffalora sopra Ticino, the company operates a state-of-the-art, fully automated warehouse. Customers benefit from shorter lead times and seamless transparency.

«In Boffalora, all processes are aligned with the latest technology.»

Jaroslav Mikliš, Group Supply Chain Projects and Transformation Manager

The fully automated warehouse is equipped with state-of-the-art technology designed to optimise logistics operations at Vetropack’s new site in Italy. It achieves notably higher efficiency in order processing compared to conventional or partially automated warehouses. Thanks to this new system, Vetropack Italia ensures real-time full traceability, enabling immediate responses to any deviations and significantly reduced lead times. Automation also ensures the even distribution of tasks across available resources, helping Vetropack avoid bottlenecks and ensure efficient capacity utilisation.

"In Boffalora, all processes are aligned with the latest technology," says Jaroslav Mikliš, Group Supply Chain Projects and Transformation Manager. This includes the logistics, which were planned using simulations. "In a fully automated warehouse, unnecessary movements are a thing of the past. At the same time, precise data acquisition enables us to control and monitor processes with exceptional accuracy," Jaroslav Mikliš explains further. To ensure smooth operations, the entire system can be remotely monitored.

Maximum safety, more sustainability, no waiting times

Avoiding manual intervention enhances both occupational safety and the quality of secondary packaging: The use of automation technologies and artificial intelligence prevents risky situations as well as damage to secondary packaging. The fully automated warehouse also contributes to Vetropack's sustainability goals. The entire fleet of vehicles has been equipped with state-of-the-art, low-consumption lithium batteries, which not only reduce the charging cycle durations but also significantly improve the charging process efficiency. "Thanks to our efficient use of the entire area, we are reducing shuttle traffic to other warehouses and will hopefully soon be able to eliminate it completely," comments Jaroslav Mikliš. The new fully automated warehouse once again exemplifies the positive impact of the ultra-modern and resource-efficient site in Italy on the entire Group.

, © Vetropack

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