Glass Industry News


, Verescence

Eviosys, Grown.Bio and Verescence have come together to innovate on a 100% recyclable and reusable cosmetic gift pack. In an important milestone for the cosmetic industry, they have harnessed their capabilities to develop an innovative set of products that ensures endless sustainability, setting the tone for the future of cosmetic packaging.

This collaboration is responding to a market of continued demand for customisation, as consumers look for tailored and unique products with the planet in mind. The limited-edition gift set will include 100% infinitely recyclable and reusable glass bottles, carbon negative mushroom® packaging inserts, and a reusable 100% infinitely recyclable metal tin.

All three partners are committed to five key objectives in their packaging, which are at the core of this cosmetic concept: refuse, rethink, reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Supplying the outer metal tin, leading metal manufacturer, Eviosys, has adapted their original product to work well with the mushroom insert and Verescence’s glass products. The metal tins made of recycled metal can be kept and reused for decades to serve another purpose at home, ensuring the circularity of the limited-edition set. After a long and purposeful life, 100% of the tin can be recycled to form new metal without any loss of property ever. 

Laetitia Durafour from Eviosys said:

While valorising cosmetic brands with premium printed packaging, we are always looking for sustainable alternatives to secure products within our metal tins, so Verescence and Grown.Bio were obvious partners for this venture. We’re excited to be collaborating with them both on this gift set, combining the expertise of industry leaders and pioneers in sustainability to adapt traditional cosmetic products to be more eco-friendly.

Cosmetic gift set manufacturers often use plastic or paper inserts which are not endlessly sustainable – Grown.Bio’s mushroom® packaging, made only from mycelium, the root structure of mushrooms, and agricultural by-product also offers the opportunity to be used for other purposes, and if not, can be crumbled, mixed with soil to return back and nourish the Earth.

Jan Berbee from Grown.Bio commented:

We are committed to growing sustainable and circular protective packaging using natural, regenerative and waste materials. Our mushroom® packaging has the same performance and longevity as non-regenerative options but can be biodegraded on a home compost or flower bed, making it part of the biological circle. This gift set champions the reusability of products and we’re proud to be supplying the insert.

A pioneer in eco solutions for luxury glass bottles, Verescence is introducing its new high perfumery range CARA, offering a new standard screw neck (GPI 15 400), allowing the consumer to refill the bottle at home or in-store. The range also includes mini-formats bottles for Perfume Travel (spray, roll-on), Mini Size Beauty (oil, setting spray) and Premium Makeup (concealer, gloss, cream eyeshadow). Since September 2021, all standards from La Collection Verescence have been produced with 20% PCR, i.e. glass from local household waste collection.

Bérangère Raguenet from Verescence added:

Since glass is infinitely recyclable, we wanted to create an eco-responsible gift set for the promotion of our new standard range CARA in line with the expectations of luxury brands. This collaboration with Eviosys and GrownBio allowed us to promote the most sustainable packaging options for our customers, as each component of the gift set is either recyclable, reusable or compostable. We also believe it can be a source of inspiration for brands in their quest for progress in sustainability.

Eviosys, Verescence and GrownBio have produced a limited-edition collection of this innovative cosmetic packaging, showcasing the result of leading manufactures coming together to innovate on a purpose-led product.


, © Verescence

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