Glass Industry News

Verallia announces three Group appointments

, Verallia

Verallia, the European leader and the world’s third largest producer of glass packaging for beverages and food products, is making three organizational changes:


Axel Guilloteau is appointed General Manager Verallia UK

Marie-Astrid Gossé is appointed Marketing Director Verallia Group

Alessandro Bocchio becomes Sales and Marketing Director France & Key Accounts Coordinator Verallia Group


As such, they will be responsible for implementing the Group’s strategic plan within their respective areas, in line with its purpose to “reimagine glass for a sustainable future”.

Patrice Lucas, CEO Verallia Group, explained: “To support our growth ambitions in key markets for our business, we have implemented a strategic reorganization. Axel Guilloteau has made a major contribution to the development of our French subsidiary, and his appointment as head of our UK subsidiary is an asset in continuing to strengthen our leadership in the premium spirits bottle segment. I also welcome the arrival of Marie-Astrid Gossé as Group Marketing Director, after several years in the same position in our French subsidiary.”

Pierre-Henri Desportes, General Manager Verallia France, added: “I am very proud to see Axel Guilloteau progress in his new role in the UK, and wish him every success in this mission. I am also delighted to welcome Alessandro Bocchio to my team as Sales and Marketing Director Verallia France. His past experience as Sales Director Verallia Italy and Group Marketing Director gives him a global strategic vision that will enable him to develop the growth of our business, while helping our customers to reduce their environmental footprint through the development of a range of lightweight and reusable products.”

Axel Guilloteau is appointed General Manager Verallia UK

Axel has been working in the packaging sector for over 20 years and has been Sales and Marketing Director Verallia France since 2016.  He began his career in 1999 with the Saint-Gobain group in the pharmaceutical sector, then operated from Singapore as Sales Director for Asia until 2006. He returned to France as Director of the spirits market Verallia France, before moving on in 2010 as General Manager Saga Décor and Verallia Poland. He held this position for 7 years before becoming General Manager Verallia Ukraine and Verallia Poland in 2013. He is a graduate of the Paris Institute of Physics and Industrial Chemistry and holds a Master’s degree in Marketing from ESSEC business school.

 Marie-Astrid Gossé becomes Marketing Director Verallia Group

Her main responsibilities will be to:

Develop and implement the Group’s marketing strategy

Optimize the customer experience

Guarantee the positioning of the Group’s offerings in line with its strategic plan and CSR roadmap.


With over 20 years’ experience in strategic and operational marketing positions with major French and international groups such as Danone, Britvic and Kellogg Company, she holds a Master’s degree in Marketing from EM Lyon Business School. Marie-Astrid Gossé has been Marketing Director Verallia France since 2021. She is replaced by Maud Dubois.

Alessandro Bocchio becomes Sales and Marketing Director France & Key Accounts Coordinator Verallia Group

In particular, he will be responsible for promoting Verallia’s French know-how, maintaining proximity with customers throughout France and continuing to develop innovation. In line with the Group’s ESG roadmap, he will also be tasked with pursuing and accelerating the decarbonization of activities – via the lightening of bottles, the development of reuse or the support of customers in their sustainable transition.

The coordination of international key accounts aims to improve the efficiency of strategic customer management worldwide.

Alessandro Bocchio has over 26 years’ experience in industry, including 18 years in the packaging sector. Sales and Marketing Director at Verallia Italia for 5 years, he has been Group Marketing Director since 2022. A graduate of the University of Piedmont Oriental in Italy, Alessandro Bocchio holds a post-graduate degree in economics and finance. He also holds an MBA from California State University, Sacramento.

, © Verallia

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