Glass Industry News

Using decoration to showcase brand identity

, Gerresheimer AG

Gerresheimer making its debut at Packaging Première Milano

Milan is famed all round the world as a fashion and design hotspot. This makes the major city in northern Italy’s Lombardy region an ideal host for Packaging Première, taking place on the Fiera Milano exhibition grounds between May 28 and 30. This trade fair is all about exclusive and creative packaging products, among them Gerresheimer’s glass bottles and jars for perfumes and cosmetics.  The company will be showcasing its latest creations for stylish perfume bottles and high-quality care products at booth E46/E48.

“Our extensive repertoire includes packaging solutions for fragrances, deodorants, skincare treatments, decorative cosmetics, and specialty products,” says Bernd Stauch, Senior Director Sales Cosmetics at Gerresheimer. Gerresheimer is one of the world’s leading experts in both the prestige and masstige markets. The company’s plants in the Belgian town of Momignies and the German town of Tettau specialize in making, finishing, and decorating high-quality glass for the cosmetics industry.

Glass packaging as an integral style element
In no other market is the glass packaging, i.e. the bottle, such an important design tool as in the cosmetics industry. Be it for care (cream jars, make-up, or dyes) or actual fragrance (perfumes, eaux de toilette, or aerosol sprays), the glass packaging is always the integral style element in the marketing concept, the external “ambassador” of the valuable content. And then there are the special safe-like characteristics of the glass packaging that mean that none of the content can get out and nothing from the outside can get in. Inside the glass, the contents are protected in the best possible way and interactions are completely ruled out. This starts with a special glass recipe to underline the crystalline and flawless character of the valuable contents through the glass packaging.

Decorations – adding the customizing touches
Various different decoration techniques help to shape an expressive brand message, ensuring variety in both appearance and feel. Decoration is regarded as anything that can be offered to customers as added value, alongside the classic areas such as screen printing, color spraying, acid etching, and pad printing. Decoration techniques are a way to showcase brand identities in an unmistakable and eye-catching way. Equipped with the latest technology, Gerresheimer’s new high-performance Decoration Centers at Momignies in Belgium and Tettau in Germany support the customization of sophisticated branded products for the cosmetics market.

, © Gerresheimer AG

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