Glass Industry News

upakovka Partners up with Several Drinks Associations

, upakovka

Exhibitor registration for this leading Russian trade fair now open
Beverages take precedence at the next upakovka, which will take place at the AO Expocentre Krasnaja Presnja in Moscow from 28 to 31 January 2020. upakovka showed that it was a standard bearer at the WaterShow2019 - 18th international Forum of Bottled Water and Soft Drinks Manufacturers in Moscow in March and is now the official partner of the Russian Bottled Water Producers’ Union (BWPU), who has organized the event.

The core themes of the industry within the Russian market environment, including its neighbouring states, will be discussed at the conference. Along with the industry associations Russian Union of Juice Producers (RSPS) and the Union of Soft Drinks and Mineral Water Producers, Messe Düsseldorf Moscow has agreed upon a partnership as the organizer of the event.

At the last upakovka held in January this year, it was evident that Russian consumers are placing high value on bottled water and functional beverages alongside the usual breakfast cereals, ready meals and sweet pastries.

New flavours, low-sugar drinks, smoothies and ready-to-drink teas were all trending for the urban population segment, who are becoming increasingly health-conscious.

This is why upakovka 2020 covers this range of themes extensively. It has become a longstanding tradition that our regular exhibitors include the big stakeholders in the industry, such as KHS, Krones, Sidel, SMI, Sacmi Beverages, IMACO and SIPA and talk slots are planned in the special theme forum, innovationparc. These will be moderated by Maxim Novikov, the Director of the Union of Soft Drinks and Mineral Water Producers. innovationparc has already doubled in capacity this year, thanks to the astounding resonance that the previous events have had. In 2020, talks on the trending topics in the packaging industry and the related processing industry will once again take place in parallel on two stages.

You can register as an exhibitor for upakovka 2020 online right now at The trade fair is oriented towards eight core target groups, which consist of vendors of packaging material, packaging technology and the relevant process technology for various fields of application. These include food, confectionary and bakery, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, non-food consumer goods and industrial goods, in addition to beverages.

, © upakovka

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