Glass Industry News

UN proclaims 2022 as the International Year of Glass

, British Glass

The United Nations has approved and proclaimed 2022 as the International Year of Glass, passing the formal resolution during its General Assembly on 18 May 2021.

The Assembly has invited all relevant stakeholders to observe the International Year through activities aimed at raising awareness of and directing policy attention to the importance of glass in daily life.

The Year will celebrate the essential role glass has and will continue to have in Society. It was highlighted in the draft resolution “the International Year of Glass, 2022 can facilitate the exchange of best practices and the creation of partnerships between key stakeholders to support developing countries in achieving sustainability in the glass industry, creating jobs and improving livelihoods.”

It also highlighted key STEAM opportunities, “Considering also that the celebration of the International Year of Glass in 2022 provides an opportunity to promote the contribution of the science and technology community to sustainable development and in promoting the empowerment, participation and contribution of women, and of girls through education, in science, technology and innovation.”

The International Commission on Glass (ICG), the Community of Glass Associations (CGA) and ICOM-Glass have been lobbying for the Year of Glass since 2018, during which time British Glass and other UK organisations such as Glass Technology Services and the Society of Glass Technology as well as member companies, supported the application.

Commenting on the achievement, British Glass Chief Executive, Dave Dalton said:

“This is excellent news; the International Year of Glass provides a fantastic opportunity for our sector to demonstrate the contributions glass continues to make to society and the development of humankind. 

“From wind-turbine blades to solar panels, lasers to orthodontics, beautiful architectural facades through artistic creations to fabulous drinking vessels, bottles, automotive installations and medical vials so critical in vaccinating against Covid 19 - glass can use this accolade to showcase what a wonderful and versatile material it is.

“We look forward to celebrating glass with our colleagues and wider society throughout next year.”

 The International Year of Glass, 2022, gathered more than 1,300 endorsements from the sector in 78 countries.

, © British Glass

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