Glass Industry News


, Trulite Glass & Aluminum Solutions, LLC.

Trulite Glass & Aluminum Solutions finalized the acquisition and merger of American Insulated Glass. This strategic move reflects Trulite's commitment to growth and innovation, say company leaders, further solidifying its position as a key player in the market. Both companies view this acquisition as a significant opportunity for growth and collaboration. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.


The addition of AIG broadens the Trulite footprint and allows for expanded capacity to better service the growing Midwest and East Coast markets. Additionally, the AIG product offering will complement Trulite, offering a greater breadth of residential applications. 

"This acquisition marks an exciting chapter for Trulite," says Kevin Yates, president and CEO of Trulite. "We are eager to leverage the strengths of both Trulite and AIG to enhance our offerings and provide even greater value to our customers. This move aligns with our strategic vision for expansion and reinforces our commitment to excellence in the architectural glass industry."

"Joining forces with Trulite presents tremendous opportunities for AIG and our valued team members,” says Clint Blair, president of AIG. “We believe that this merger will allow us to leverage our combined expertise and resources to better serve our customers and drive continued success in the market."


Together, Trulite and AIG will focus on strategic growth initiatives and identifying opportunities to enhance efficiency and market competitiveness, particularly in back-office processes while enhancing the product offering and customer experience. Trulite and AIG remain committed to prioritizing customer satisfaction throughout the transition process and going forward. 

The combined company now has forty-two facilities across North America, and at this stage, the company has no plans that will adversely impact any of the existing footprint.

Todd Golditch, co-founder and managing partner of Truelink Capital, the private equity firm supporting Trulite commented, “We are thrilled with this combination of Trulite and AIG. Thanks to the strong leadership of Kevin Yates, consistent organic growth, and significant reinvestment of cash flow back into the company since our acquisition in 2022, Trulite is now one of the largest and best positioned players in the glass and aluminum fabrication market for low-to-mid-rise buildings. We will be focused in the near term on optimally integrating these two solid market leaders. In addition, we will be evaluating additional strategic acquisitions that fit Trulite’s platform well to continue to bolster the business.”

Vernon Bryant, Managing Partner of AV Capital, in partnership with CEO Billy Blair, led the transformation of AIG from a two-location entrepreneur-owned business to a professionally managed, seven-location, super-regional player. Bryant shared, "Our strategic vision resulted in a seamless succession plan, with Clint assuming leadership for the successful merger with Trulite. AV Capital expresses gratitude to Stifel for serving as the exclusive financial advisor to AIG and acknowledges Todd Golditch and his team at Truelink Capital, with whom it has been a pleasure to collaborate. Best wishes from AV Capital to all involved for their ongoing organic and acquisitive growth."

, © Trulite Glass & Aluminum Solutions, LLC.

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