Glass Industry News

Three times the expertise: The HEGLA Group focuses on performance in its exhibition at Vitrum

, HEGLA Group

Under the trade fair slogan “Three times the expertise”, the HEGLA Group presentation at Vitrum 2019 in Milan will focus on solutions for the increasingly complex requirements for machine performance, digitalisation, and laser-supported product tracking and finishing. This focal area also represents the Group’s aims of continuous further development and growth. Alongside HEGLA Maschinenbau, the Group has now been home to HEGLA-HANIC, the software company, and the laser application specialist HEGLA boraident for almost one year. “Vitrum 2019 marks our first time exhibiting as a group, and each of our companies can benefit from the additional expertise of the others’ specialisms,” said HEGLA Managing Director Bernhard Hötger. “We also have some innovations and advanced developments to show and are looking forward to the trade fair with confidence.”



Among the exhibits in hall 5P, the RapidLam Shape model cutting system has excellent prospects of being the focus of visitor attention. In its basic version, the system can score models and free forms from LSG precisely, making them available for reproduction at any time – but the new version can do even more: equipped with a special laser system, it shows just how far laser LSG film separation technology has come. The film is separated with precision, which makes it much easier for operators to break out the cut.


Trade fair visitors who would like to accelerate their LSG cutting should also take a look at the RapidLam Shape. As the current set of development tests shows, the system’s new, heating technology significantly speeds up straight cuts. The machine can now heat up the film in a fraction of the previous time, and its performance is concentrated on the cutting contour to guarantee far higher edge quality than the results obtained using the conventional process.

“Innovative laser technologies are an important key to increasing productivity and product quality. They also create product added value,” said HEGLA Managing Director Dr Heinrich Ostendarp.


Digitalisation and the smart factory are naturally the hot topics at HEGLA-HANIC in Bochum. Managing Director Dr Jan Schäpers primarily advises customers to implement such changes gradually and with thorough planning. “The processes, machines and interdependencies must first be analysed and digitally mapped in order to set the point of departure at the place where maximum benefits arise at the lowest cost.” The implementation of a cockpit would be a likely first step. The data from the various systems would be acquired, compiled, and displayed according to customer requirements in the cockpit, enabling the company to gain more profound insights, which it can then use to adjust work and machine processes and identify further areas with potential.

With a smaller-scale, fully functional exhibition model of the Laserbird, HEGLA boraident will be promoting glass finishing with laser technology. This system has many applications, such as functionalising the coating of a pane with invisible patterns as an effective means of preventing bird strikes. Among the other control apps, customers will also find an app for finishing panes to create RF-transparent glass. Demand for this feature is on the rise, especially in public buildings, hotels, and conference spaces. The Laserbird also offers a range of other functions, including removing the coating from the edges of glass pieces without scratching or damaging the surface. The demand for laser-assisted decoating continues to rise, especially in structural glazing applications- At Vitrum, HEGLA boraident will also be premiering a stand-alone laser system that has been developed exclusively for edge decoating to high aesthetic standards.


Laser marking is another key business area that HEGLA boraident plans to showcase at the trade fair. Once applied to the glass, the mark is bonded with the pane for the entire product life cycle. Including a QR code in the mark allows the pane to be identified at all times – uniquely and reliably. When supplemented with a HANIC app or appropriate MES, the mark allows you to reliably trace the product’s manufacturing properties – and even produce a repeat order at the press of a button.

“We are looking forward to Vitrum and meeting with many customers, friends, interested parties, and old acquaintances,” said HEGLA Managing Directors Bernhard Hötger and Dr Heinrich Ostendarp. “The glass industry meets up in Milan every other year to discuss the latest trends. Alongside many professional encounters, there is also room for personal conversations.”

, © HEGLA Group

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