Glass Industry News

Thermoseal Group Ramps Up its Warm Edge Production and Increases its IG Component Stockholding

, Thermoseal Group

Following the purchase of its new 2-acre warm edge production site in Wigan, Thermoseal Group has invested significant additional funds in the extensive reconstruction of the building to accommodate a raft of new equipment to further automate and increase its Thermobar and Thermoflex Warm Edge Spacer production capacity. 

The new site on Challenge Way, Martland Park in Wigan, which is a stones-throw from Thermoseal Group’s other main manufacturing and warehouse sites, will now be the Group’s ‘Centre for Innovation and Manufacturing’.  With BREXIT imminent, it has also become a primary site to house increased stockholding of raw materials and finished goods.  The Group now operates from over 400,000 sq. ft. across its 4 UK locations.

Thermoseal Group’s Managing Director, Gwain Paterson, tells: “This Challenge Way site is an exciting development for us, not just in allowing for increased production and stockholding capacity, but also for expansion of our Technical Centre and EN1279 test facilities. The site also has room for further expansion and has been designed to provide the best environment for our staff.

“With two new laboratories and a variety of additional test rooms kitted out with the latest equipment for developing a wide range of IG products to EN1279 requirements, our Technical Team have everything they need to ensure we supply the best products at the highest quality standards every time. 

“In addition, there are a number of meeting rooms and space and facilities for the comfort and convenience of our team, including larger canteens, locker rooms and showers.

“In conjunction with the purchase of this new building, we have also taken on a new Production Manager Mauro Asciona to oversee Thermoflex Production, as well as additional warm edge production staff. We have also invested in equipment which will considerably increase Thermoflex production capacity. In line with this, we have purchased additional technology to automate and streamline our processes and further improve quality.

“Thermobar production equipment and processes have also seen significant investment to further increase capacity and automate the complete production process. The first automatic line will be installed in January 2021.

“It’s been a difficult year and with BREXIT rapidly approaching I’m sure there are some further challenges on the horizon for everyone, but please be assured that we are doing everything we can to maintain continuity of supply to the UK market, as well as to our growing list of export customers whilst increasing our capacity to meet future demand.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of those members of our team involved in the renovation of the new building and who are currently undertaking the mammoth task of setting up operations at the new site.  I’d also like to thank the rest of the team for their hard work and commitment in continuing to strive to meet and exceed customer requirements throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, I would like to thank our valued customers for their help and understanding regarding delivery schedules as the increased demand has led to slightly longer delivery dates for some stock items.

“It’s good to see that there is a vaccine is on the horizon bringing a light at the end of the tunnel where some element of normality can resume.”

Thermoseal Group supplies over 2,500 IG Components and a wide range of IG manufacturing machinery.  Contact 0845 331 3950 or Intl: +44 (0) 121 331 3950. Alternatively, visit or e-mail

, © Thermoseal Group

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