Glass Industry News

Thermoseal Group Achieves the 6th Generation Investors In People Standard

, Thermoseal Group
Investors in People (IIP) accreditation is an outstanding achievement which leading UK warm edge spacer manufacturer, Thermoseal Group, announces is delighted to have been awarded.
IIP, the standard for people management, has evolved over the years to the current 6th Generation Standard.  It is a tried and tested framework with a rigorous process of assessment that defines excellence in leading, supporting and managing people. 
The current standard involves a framework of 9 indicators organised under the three headings of Leading, Supporting and Improving.  Within each of these 9 indicators are 3 criteria, so a total of 27 criteria to demonstrate that the business is a true investor in people. In order to achieve accreditation, a company must meet the standard required within all criteria.  The assessment process involves a complete review of the business including a staff survey and face-to-face interviews with selected members of all teams.  All surveys and interviews are conducted, analysed and reviewed by Investors in People assessors. 
Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, said: “We’d like to congratulate Thermoseal Group. Being accredited with We invest in people is a remarkable effort for any organisation, and places Thermoseal Group in fine company with a host of organisations that understand the value of people.”
Commenting on the accreditation, Gwain Paterson, Managing Director at Thermoseal Group, said: “A business is only as strong as its people, which is why I’d like to thank every member of the Thermoseal Group Team, or as we like to refer to ourselves internally, to all Thermosealians.  At the crux of it, accreditation means that every single person is involved in supporting each other and is doing their best to make our workplace better.
“Over recent years, in line with our business growth, we have invested significant funds into developing our recruitment, training and the overall development of our team.  Our HR Officer, Karen Croke has been working with all teams across the business to ensure that all the HR processes and procedures are in place and is there to support our teams when needed.  As far as training is concerned, every member of staff has a training and development plan in place.  We have also worked with local colleges on Apprenticeship Schemes and have taken a number of apprentices on in various roles.
“Effective internal communication is also a big part of the IIP standard and is key to ensuring that all staff are engaged and involved in achieving business goals.  We recognise that this is vital in our continual strive to enhance the experience that our stakeholders have with Thermoseal Group.  Therefore, with the comprehensive 6th generation IIP framework now an integral part of our management review process and truly at the heart of the business, we hope our customers really can see how hard we are striving to achieve excellence at every level.”    
For further information about the IIP Standard, visit
Thermoseal Group supplies over 2,500 IG Components and a wide range of IG manufacturing machinery.  Contact 0845 331 3950 or Intl: +44 (0) 121 331 3950. Alternatively, visit or e-mail

, © Thermoseal Group

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