Glass Industry News


, ESMA Belgien

From printhead architecture and system integration, through to image quality software, ink formulation, waveform measurement, curing techniques and the latest research projects – the second edition of The Inkjet Conference (TheIJC) USA covers all aspects of industrial inkjet engineering and chemistry. Staged on 22-23 May 2019 at Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare, the conference features an additional session dedicated to label and packaging printing, prepared in partnership with Alexander Watson Associates (AWA).

TheIJC has been inaugurated in 2014 in Europe as a joint event by the European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association (ESMA) and Digital Direct Technologies. From the beginning it has enjoyed a strong support of drupa and sponsorship from MS Italy which helped to grow the conference to 550 participants during the last year’s edition. Launched in 2018, the US edition of TheIJC brings together over 225 attendees: technology suppliers, OEMs, engineers, chemists, innovators, researchers, print service providers and brand owners.
“TheIJC has become the meeting place of the industrial inkjet community. It is a platform where the finest development companies, big players and aspiring start-ups initiate projects for all possible market applications. Our key strength remains education about all facets of inkjet technology, combined with excellent networking opportunities”, says Peter Buttiens, CEO of ESMA.
“We consider inkjet as a technology and inkjet as an application. In some areas the technology and the application can be considered as mature production processes, while in others this is still a disruptive technology with novel application fields. TheIJC has maintained its position as the event where all aspects of the evolution of both the core technology and the application are covered,” adds Steve Knight, Director of Digital Direct Technologies Ltd.
Building on the technical expertise of major market and academia players, the organisers can already confirm the following topics to be presented over two conference days on two parallel tracks:

  • “A system’s approach to creating high quality output: The importance of an Image Quality System” by Joshua Howard, Kodak
  • “aNIR for improved printing speed, enhanced print quality and less production costs” by Dr Kai K.O. Bär, Adphos
  • “Colour management software for industrial colour printing” by Thomas Kirschner, ColorGATE
  • “Controlling high standoff defects in inkjet” by James Gill, Fujifilm Dimatix
  • “Expanding the horizon with the next generation LED curing systems” by Simon Reissmann, Phoseon
  • “First experimental study using a novel device for characterising drop formation, drop substrate interaction, and waveform optimisation” by Dr Raymond Sanedrin, Krüss
  • “Handling inks in inkjet systems: Main requirements for liquid pumps” by Markus Orlando, Gardner Denver Thomas
  • “Has inkjet really achieved offset quality?” by Martin Bailey, Global Graphics Software
  • “High shear viscosity measurements for real condition application of inks and coatings” by Dr Matt Vanden Eynden, Formulaction
  • “How to extend the colour gamut and improve the colour transition” by Tom Lin, Encres Dubuit
  • “Impact on polymerization of UV DOD inks using different UV LED unit designs” by Mathias Theiler, Hapa
  • “In pursuit of the perfect print: Nozzle out detection and compensation” by Jonathan Wilson, Meteor Inkjet
  • “Industrial inkjet printing from the inkjet ink perspective “ by Dr Marc Graindourze, Agfa
  • “Ink and waveform performance optimisation” by Chintan Dagli, ImageXpert
  • “Inkjet in coatings and complex shapes: Technologies and processes” by Debbie Thorp, Global Inkjet Systems
  • “Is it really all UV LED? Hybrid curing solutions for digital printing and decoration” by Adrian Lockwood, Integration Technology
  • “Microscale liquid engineering: New materials and new challenges” by Dr Ronan Daly, University of Cambridge
  • “The challenges of enabling and maintaining digital print quality” by Jason Remnant, Xaar
  • “The winning resin technology for inkjet in packaging” by Paul Hönen and Yuan Yu, DSM
  • “Translating 3D inkjet printing to an industrial manufacturing approach for medicines” by Dr Craig Sturgess, Added Scientific
  • “Urethane acrylate design for low viscosity, energy curable inkjet ink applications” by Dr Jo Ann Arceneaux, Allnex
  • “Using high performance colorant dispersions to create opportunities for aqueous inkjet applications” by Dr Hamid Shirazi, Fujifilm Inkjet Technology

While covering the entire technological spectrum for all industrial applications, this year the conference lays additional focus on labels and packaging. The following titles have been provided by AWA, the global market intelligence company:

  • “Global label and product decoration market” by Corey Reardon, AWA
  • “Direct to container inkjet printing” by Mike Soloway, Krones
  • “Conventional and inkjet printing trends and developments” by Gallus-Heidelberg
  • “Crystal: The development of a photopolymer based additive printing process” by Anthony Carignano, ACTEGA

“Inkjet has developed to be the key print technology for various labelling and product decoration formats. As a stand-alone process, or in combination with conventional label printing, it provides the perfect combination of cost, flexibility, and efficiency. These sessions feature some of the top experts in inkjet printing and labelling, sharing how the entire value chain can capitalise on what is really happening,” says Corey Reardon, CEO of AWA.

, © ESMA Belgien

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