Glass Industry News

The future within reach - New apps connect machines from Bystronic glass

, Bystronic Glass

Nowadays, machines can be programmed in such a way that continuous monitoring and optimization of production is possible. Bystronic glass offers its customers valuable and sophisticated software add-ons with new apps for the B'CHAMP automotive glass and the B'BRIGHT display glass production cells.

The question of connecting the business world using the keyword "Industry 4.0" is currently widely discussed. Today using intelligent algorithms, machines and plants must be designed in such a way that they optimize their processes themselves. This means that consumables and related costs can be effectively reduced. Above all, of course, there stands user-friendly usability which should be as intuitive as possible.

As one of the leading companies worldwide, Bystronic glass manufactures machines for the pre-processing of automotive and display glass (cutting, breaking, grinding, drilling). Technical innovations such as the B'CHAMP or the B'BRIGHT help automotive and display glass manufacturers to operate more efficiently and cost-effectively. With the new automotive glass apps, Bystronic glass supports its customers on their way to digitization.

All apps are already on board by default
All apps are included in the delivered control systems by default. The software licenses can be activated individually on request. This means there is no need to purchase additional hardware and software!

The interface is based on the Advanced Control System (ACS) 3 and is easy to operate without keyboard or mouse by the user. Multi-touch gestures are also supported. All apps are pre-installed in the ACS3 panel in 11 different languages. So, nothing prevents the worldwide use.

Various possibilities for users with apps
Each user of a B'CHAMP or B'BRIGHT has access to two freeware apps for analyzing production data. In addition, each production cell can be extended with individual user rights or its own parameter memory for each job.

The Bystronic glass developers are particularly proud of the Automatic Grind-In App nabling fully automatic adjustment of the grinding machine after a job change. This results in maximum flexibility for the customer. In a further benefit, the Tool Break-In App enables operators to produce the first glass lite without quality loss after a tool change. This significantly reduces material rejection.
With the automotive glass apps, it is possible to monitor up to six production cells by remote control. This shortens long distances in production dramatically. At the same time, customers can connect their B'CHAMP and B'BRIGHT via the OPC-UA interface. Big data analysis or IoT applications are possible without any problems thanks to Bystronic glass 4.0. In that way Bystronic glass makes the future within reach for the customer.



, © Bystronic Glass

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