Glass Industry News


, Bovone

The reduced footprint of the Bovone laminated glass production line allows the installation in limited spaces: to optimize the space, the layout of the line foresees the loading and washing station developed vertically. The lifting carriage in charge of picking up the glasses from the vertical washing machine allows loading and unloading by tilting the glasses picking it up vertically and depositing it horizontally on the assembly table.

In view of the reduced overall dimensions, the performances of this Bovone flat glass laminating line are at the same levels of excellence for which the company is known on the market.

They are versatile systems and are equally appreciated where large production runs are made and where, on the other hand, it is necessary to switch from one type of production to another more frequently, processing glasses with complex geometries.

Bovone’s laminated glass production lines are reliable and require minimal maintenance, which the quality of construction and design make even more convenient and easy, so as to protect the customer from prolonged machine downtime.

When a high level of quality is required and production cannot compromise on the quality aspect, Bovone’s flat glass laminating line is the ideal solution to guarantee customer productivity, amplified by the important level of automation possible.

Bovone plants are totally customizable and modulable according to the customer’s needs, who can integrate the line even in more phases. Particularly suitable for compact layouts is Bovone’s latest-generation hybrid convection furnace, which integrates two heating systems – forced hot air convection and radiation – that can be combined with each other according to the type of glass to be processed.

The Bovone laminated glass production line is composed of modules that can be integrated by:

LOADING: manual or automatic thanks to the possibility of integrating anthropomorphic robots.

WASHING: thanks to the use of Bovone vertical washing machines, a very compact line layout is obtained.

ASSEMBLY AREA: the aerial carriage with suction cups, which in the compact layout tilts the glass from the vertical to the horizontal position, positions the sheet on the assembly table. The suction cups are made of special rubber to ensure surface perfection.

UNWINDING, STRAIGHTENING, CUTTING: the PVB film can be stretched and cut manually, semi-automatically (servo-controlled) or automatically.

OVENS: the Bovone line can integrate the innovative hybrid system.

UNLOADING: unloading phases can also be automated thanks to the use of robots.

Bovone is able to decline the laminated glass production line in different configurations all sharing the excellent performance for which Bovone is known in the world of glass.

, © Bovone

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