Glass Industry News

´The Precedent´ building showcases the use of smart glass for refurbishment

, eyrise

For the renovation project 'The Precedent' in Brussels, eyrise supplied 1160 square metres of eyrise s350 solar control glass. During the planning by Yugening architecture, the aim was for the office and commercial building to meet the criteria of the WELL Building Standard at Gold level when completed. The switchable eyrise glass makes an important contribution to this. Here are the details.

The Precedent building in Brussels is located on the prestigious Avenue Louise, lined with tall trees, right in the centre of the Belgian capital. Instead of demolition and new construction, the existing concrete structure was to be retained for reasons of sustainability. In front of it, the architects placed a new facade in CLT timber construction, which brings a lot of daylight into the interior thanks to generous glazing.

In combination with natural materials such as wood, green walls and innovative technologies, the result is a building that focuses on the well-being of its users. The aim of the planners was to set new standards for sustainable and people-oriented refurbishment of existing buildings. The eyrise s350 solar control glass used is an important pillar of this concept.

What does the switchable glass do?

The eyrise s350 solar control glass is based on state-of-the-art liquid crystal technology and have a very short response time when switching. This means that the degree of shading can be adjusted to changing weather conditions quickly and almost unnoticed by the user.

This in turn not only prevents annoying glare and reflections on monitors and furniture, but also helps to reduce the amount of heat entering a building and thus the need for air conditioning. Due to their neutral tint, the glass also lets daylight in its natural colour into the interior of the building and allow a view outside at any time.

Véronique Orens, co-founder and partner of Yugening architecture, explains: "The dynamically switchable eyrise solar control glass brings a maximum of natural daylight into the interior spaces and create a pleasant indoor climate in which the future users feel comfortable.

Also interesting: 14,000 square metres of switchable glass for a research district

And eyrise CEO Dr Michael Grund adds: "This project is all about social, ecological and economic sustainability. In combination with many other measures, eyrise s350 solar control glass helps 'The Precedent' meet the criteria for Gold certification of the WELL Building Standard and thus also meet the highest requirements of future tenants."

When completed, the original seven-storey building will offer 9000 square metres of floor space spread over nine floors. Thanks to state-of-the-art building technology such as occupancy detection, energy monitoring and water management, 'The Precedent' complies with the Passive House Standard, which has been mandatory for all new buildings in the Brussels Region since 2015. It also receives the 'Outstanding' certification level according to BREEAM and meets the criteria for gold certification according to WELL. Completion is planned by the end of 2023.

The Precedent" building in brief

Building: The Precedent

Location: Avenue Louise 104-106, Brussels

Client: Union Investment

Architects: Yugening architecture, Kapellen (B)

Facade: CLT timber construction

Solar control glass: 335 eyrise s350 modules (1160 square metres) installed in double-glazed insulating glass units

, © eyrise

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