Glass Industry News

Success on success as Scotland’s Cube Glass racks up another half million in new contracts

, Cube Glass

Scotland’s Cube Glass, the innovative and rapidly expanding glass and aluminium specialist, is literally spanning the UK with a slew of lucrative new contracts from Shetland in the north to Winchester in the deep south of England. 

Totalling more than half a million pounds, the latest string of successes and business wins put the Cumbernauld-based manufacturer and installer on track for another record year of sales and profits. 

And the level of enquiries at the £2.75 million turnover company is also burgeoning, with quotations to an average value of £1 million a month, hitting £2.7 million in January, £2million in February and £2 million in March. Gary Thorn, Cube Glass founder and Managing Director, said: "Our growing reputation for dependability, competence, technical proficiency and business integrity is bringing in new projects from all over the country.
“At this rate we will be looking for even more production space in the near future.”
Among the new contracts are:
Lerwick Fish Market, a £7.6 million investment in a custom-designed new whitefish market at the Shetland port, where Cube Glass has contracted with Tulloch Developments to supply and fit aluminium windows, doors and curtain walling in an anodised finish to combat salt water depredation.
Value £130,000.
Doune Health Centre, a brand-new £2.7 million health centre for NHS Forth Valley where Cube Glass will create office space, practitioners’ space, a new entrance, automatic doors and curtain walling, working with Hadden Construction.
Value £77,000.
Oxgangs Young Persons Centre, where Cube Glass will work with Maxi Construction to provide accommodation, offices and an entrance for the purpose-built home situated in a residential estate in Edinburgh.
Value £35,000.
Winchester town centre, where the team is working with Cormorant Ltd to supply and install windows, doors and sliding doors in an estate of four homes – the second contract for the same local builder.
Value £70,000.
Irvine, where Cube Glass is replacing existing windows, doors and building new curtain walling in an extension at the Tarryholme care home, working with Ayrshire-based construction firm Ashleigh.
Value £110,000.
Cube Glass, based within Cumbernauld’s Lenziemill Industrial Estate, focuses on curtain walling, doors, windows, glass roofing systems and shop fronts as well as bullet, bomb and blast resistant glass.
With record sales this year of around £2.75m, it has 14 highly-qualified employees. Around 80% of the company’s sales are made to major companies such as Hilton Hotels, the Ministry of Defence, Arnold Clark, Morris and Spottiswood and Clark Contracts.

, © Cube Glass

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