Glass Industry News


, Satinal

Satinal produces in Italy the first anti-collision EVA film for bird-friendly applications thanks to the development of its own exclusive extrusion technology.

STRATO® Bird Friendly is the first innovative and unique EVA interlayer on the market: it makes it possible to obtain a laminated safety glass characterized by lines, dots or patterns, recognizable by birds that, consequently, will avoid colliding against the glass.

Satinal has created the design of these effective patterns in its R&D Laboratory, based on studies carried out by international Associations and Laboratories that have been analysing the flight and behaviour of birds for several years. Some tests have shown that birds avoid flying through horizontal spaces less than 2″ (5 cm) high or through vertical spaces 4″ (10 cm) wide or less.

These guidelines are commonly known as the “2×4 rule”, but actually there are exceptions resulting from research conducted on specific species.

This new range of EVA interlayers, has been designed by Satinal with the aim to raise awareness of designers, glaziers, architects etc. by encouraging them to use the right tools to reduce the problem.

Laminated glass with STRATO® Bird Friendly EVA interlayers will not only limit bird collisions, but will also provide several advantages:

Benefit 100% of the advantages given by laminated safety glass with EVA film

Buy the quantity needed for a specific project (no minimum order quantity)

Any customed size available at no extra cost

Incredible cost savings production using standard float glass for lamination

Avoid expensive stocks of big quantities of non-standard float glass

Customize the EVA film with the pattern requested by the designer or architects

Combine the Bird Friendly line with other STRATO® products to create glasses with additional benefits (e.g. solar control)

High visible light transmission

High weather resistance due to the properties of STRATO® EVA film

Visual continuum (selected patterns do not disturb the view)

Full protection against UV rays

There are many factors that affect the selection of a product that makes glass bird safe: by choosing an interlayer from the STRATO® Bird Friendly collection to laminate the glass, its transparency and reflection can be reduced.

Birds do not recognize glass as an obstacle because it is a transparent and reflective material.

Transparency, sometimes, can be a problem even for man: in fact, it happens not to notice the presence of a door or a glass wall. However, man is able to recognize details such as handles, uprights and fixtures, thus avoiding collision.

Unfortunately, birds do not have this kind of perception and they are also attracted by plants, food, water etc. placed inside or outside the rooms that they see through glass.

Another aspect, in addition to transparency, is the reflection of light: depending on how and where the glass element is positioned – for example in relation to the sun, the surrounding environment, internal light levels etc. – it can look like a dark passage that birds might mistakenly see as a usual space between branches and leaves. Moreover, glass can act as a mirror: reflecting the sky, clouds or vegetation around buildings, it attracts birds and this effect is the most frequent trigger of the impact.

With STRATO® Bird Friendly you can get a product created by humans but designed for nature, without sacrificing its aesthetic appeal.


, © Satinal

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