Glass Industry News

Specialist print network reconnects at the first edition of Industrial Print Integration


270 participants joined the inaugural edition of Industrial Print Integration (IPI) on 18-19 May 2022 in Düsseldorf-Neuss. They represented suppliers of various print technologies, as well as technology users who apply printing in their daily manufacturing processes. General feedback was overwhelmingly positive and the community praised the return of a face-to-face ESMA event.

“After a two-year shutdown, IPI gave us the opportunity to reload the network and business opportunities among a highly technological and professional community”, commented Frank De Voeght from ChemStream. His company was among 52 exhibitors who welcomed visitors in the networking area of the conference. All tabletops featured solutions for bespoke functional and industrial applications, ranging from printed electronics, packaging, interior decoration through to bio-medical and automotive. “For anyone whose printing applications are not off-the-shelf and mainstream, this is a must-attend event”, said Phil Jackman from Sun Chemical.

The versatility of inkjet, screen and other printing techniques was well reflected in the conference programme which featured a total of 52 presentations. World’s leading suppliers of hardware, ink, consumables, software and curing mechanisms comprehensively explained the potentials as well as challenges of the latest solutions. IPI’s agenda was completed by inspirational contributions from research centres and keynote speeches given by experts in printed electronics, perovskite solar cells, robotics and additive manufacturing.

After two intense days of networking and knowledge transfer, attendees left IPI satisfied and motivated. “I made a lot of new contacts and received useful information. Ultimately, we are all in a similar situation and have to drive development forward through close cooperation. Attending conferences like the IPI is extremely helpful”, admitted Berit Schuster, from Elantas. “First time attending, it was better than I expected. I will attend every year for sure”, added Joan Monterde from Torrecid.


Organisers have already set the dates for the second edition of Industrial Print Integration on 28-29 November 2023, again in Düsseldorf-Neuss. In the meantime, ESMA will continue to connect the dots of specialist printing industry through conferences such as Textile Printing & Sustainability (8-9 September 2022, Neuss) and GlassPrint (25-26 April 2023, Düsseldorf). The educational mission will be realised during the upcoming ESMA Academy courses “Industrial Digital Printing”, “Digital Printing for Textiles” and “Functional Printing”.

, © ESMA

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