Glass Industry News

South Asian glass maker to build new 320 million Euro glass manufacturing facility

, Visy

Project: Glass Recycling and Manufacturing facility project for 550 tpd container glass
Project: Closure of Brisbane glass factory in 2025
Company: Visy Glass
Country: Australia
City: Staplyton (close to Brisbane)
Schedule: 2025
Investment: 500 million Australian Dollar = approx. 320 million Euro


Visy Brisbane
137 Montague Rd,
QLD 4101 South Brisbane
Phone: +61 3 9236 2488

Visy Stapylton
298.300 Jacobs Well Road
QLD 4207 Stapylton 
+61 138479



About Visy:

Visy is a global leader in packaging and resource recovery, and has been a pioneer in sustainability since our inception. Our innovation, manufacturing and logistic capabilities are organised around an integrated closed loop. Together, they give life to tailored solutions that deliver enduring value for our customers, partners and communities.

In business for over 70 years, we operate in more than 120 sites throughout Australasia and have trading offices across Asia and Europe. With over 7,000 employees, our innovative approach provides end-to-end solutions for our customers’ needs across paper, primary packaging, fibre packaging, packaging supplies and consumables, point of sale displays, automation, materials handling, logistics and recycling.


Visy, a global packaging and resource recovery company, broke ground on its new $500 million glass recycling and remanufacturing factory outside Brisbane recently. The facility, which represents the largest investment Visy has ever made, will recycle up to 200,000 tonnes of the state’s glass annually to produce 1 billion bottles a year.

Visy executive chairman Anthony Pratt was joined at the groundbreaking by Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. Palaszczuk said the project was ground-breaking for Queensland jobs, manufacturing and the environment.

“This new glass and manufacturing facility will support over 600 construction jobs and around 200 jobs once operational. Queensland is currently a net importer of glass packaging and currently doesn’t manufacture enough to supply the local market. “When complete, it will manufacture 1 billion glass containers annually and support the growth of Queensland based beverage companies like Queensland Exporter of the Year Bundaberg Brewed Drinks, Asahi, CUB, Lion, and Coca Cola,” Palaszczuk said.

“Recycling is an important weapon against climate change and the technology employed in this factory will help enable Australia to go from an average of 30 per cent recycled glass content in bottles to 70 per cent, which is moving towards world’s-best practice,” Pratt said.

“So this ensures the majority of Queensland’s recyclable recovered glass containers from the state’s Container Deposit Scheme and kerbside recycling bins can be remanufactured right here in Queensland.”

The facility, in Stapylton just south of Brisbane, will be built next to Visy’s current box factory and beverage can plant and is expected to be operational in 2025. It will support about 200 green collar manufacturing jobs once operational, and bring Visy’s Queensland workforce to more than 1000 people. “This investment is made possible by the leadership of premier Palaszczuk, and her Government’s support for Australian manufacturing,” Pratt added. “They are also to be congratulated for their support for practical environmental measures, like recycling, that all Queenslanders can participate in.”

The project represents a massive expansion of Visy’s Queensland recycling and remanufacturing operations and is underpinned by a long term partnership with Asahi Beverages, and agreements with its customers Lion, Bundaberg and Coca Cola. It is also a part of Pratt’s 2021 pledge to invest $2 billion in Australian recycling and clean energy infrastructure over the ensuing decade, creating thousands of new green collar, well-paying Australian manufacturing jobs. And it brings Visy’s total investment in Australia to over $11 billion.

Visy will relocate its current glass re-manufacturing operations from South Brisbane in 2025, paving the way for the site along the Brisbane River to be used as the International Broadcasting Centre for the 2032 Olympic Games.


, © Visy

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