Glass Industry News

New AGC sound insulation glass for facades and glass walls

, AGC Glass

AGC Glass Europe's new Stratophone sound insulating glass is multifunctional. The glass improves indoor comfort by protecting against noise pollution (Rw up to 53 dB) in residential and commercial buildings, while providing thermal insulation up to 0.5 W(m2K).

In addition to sound insulation, Stratophone glass can be combined with additional coatings, for example to protect against overheating in summer - this reduces the climate load of buildings.

Stratophone can also be used as insulating glass in windows and facades and as laminated safety glass in partition walls, room dividers and doors in interior spaces. These building systems benefit from the possibility of delicate glass structures as well as from maximum daylight transmission and, when used in interiors, from high transparency.

Focus on sound insulation

Sound-insulating glass achieves effective protection against noise pollution through various factors: this can include an increase in the mass of the glass as well as enlarged spaces between panes, asymmetrical structures, special sound-insulating safety films and a combination of these possibilities.


Contemporary sound insulation glass thus covers a wide range of sound insulation properties in definable frequency ranges. Their laminated safety glass has the same aesthetics as normal glazing, but in addition protects against injuries, falls, break-ins, vandalism and noise. This is based on one or more transparent films of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) between the glass panes.

The degree of sound insulation and security can be specifically configured. The better the sound insulation of the glass, the more acoustic comfort for the building occupants - which has a positive effect on health, well-being and productivity. In addition to the standard product "Stratophone Clearlite" (mid-iron float glass), the highly transparent variant "Stratophone Clearvision" (low-iron float glass) is also available. It has a neutral appearance and the highest daylight transmission even with very thick superstructures. In combination with one or more "Clearsight" coatings, reflections can also be reduced to a minimum, making the glass almost invisible.

A glass for sustainable buildings

Sound-insulating glasses are not only used in windows and facades, but also in interiors. Here they make for well-structured, modern office landscapes and combine aesthetics and function: sound-insulating wall systems ensure pleasant room acoustics and contribute to lighting control for optimal working conditions. Open-space areas are thus functionally structured.

, © AGC Glass

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