Glass Industry News

Sisecam reports glass sales boost despite ´challenging´ year

, Şişecam

Şişecam reported consolidated net sales of TRY 152 billion and total exports (from Türkiye) of TRY 31.7 billion. 

International sales – the sum of exports from Türkiye and sales from production outside Türkiye – accounted for 60% of Şişecam's consolidated sales for the year. 

In its end of year financial report, the company produced 5.2 million tons of glass, 4.7 million tons of soda ash, and 3.7 million tons of industrial raw materials in 2023. 

Şişecam Chairman and Executive Member of the Board of Directors Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kırman stated: "In 2023, the effects of macroeconomic volatility and geopolitical risks continued. High inflation remained on the global agenda. 

"Despite these challenges, Şişecam continued to realise its investments in 2023 thanks to its solid financial structure, robust financial policy, strategic decisions, and efficiency-oriented production."

“In 2023, we ignited Şişecam's first auto glass-dedicated float line in Lüleburgaz. We made cold repair investments in our furnaces in Georgia, Egypt, and India to modernise their technologies and boost their efficiency. 

“We became a partner in ICRON, a Turkish technology company that provides operational and strategic decision optimisation services. Our investment decisions gave Şişecam new strengths and capabilities.”

“In 2024, more than half of the world's population will go to the polls. Compliance with ever-changing regulations will gain importance. 

"High inflationary pressure and geopolitical risks are expected to persist. But Şişecam will move forward on its sustainable growth journey thanks to its well-qualified human resources and use of smart technology.”


Prof. Dr. Kırman outlined the company's expectations and goals for the upcoming year. 

Şişecam's investment in a two-furnace greenfield glass packaging production facility is underway in Hungary. 

"Our new glass packaging furnace investment in Eskişehir will make the Eskişehir facility the largest glass packaging production site in the world. 

"Şişecam is constructing a second frosted glass furnace that will produce energy glass in Mersin. 

"Şişecam is also implementing a capacity increase at its Mersin soda ash facility; moving forward with its US natural soda ash and the Stockton Port Management project investments that will also support the logistics infrastructure. 

"Construction of a new flat glass facility in the Tarsus OIZ is also ongoing. 

At the weekend, the company said it will invest in 20 million m2 square meters of coated glass production lines in Bulgaria, Italy and Turkey.

He said: "The next five years will be an intensive investment period for Şişecam. We will implement our investments by taking into account evolving market dynamics. We aim to expand our workforce, which now exceeds 24,000 persons, by around 5% in 2024.”

Prof. Dr. Kırman added that all of Şişecam's business operations and decision-making processes are focused around artificial intelligence, renewable energy and sustainability.

, © Şişecam

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