Glass Industry News

Şişecam Group works globally for the goal of the “United Nations International Year of Glass 2022”

, Şişecam Group

Şişecam Group is working with the International Commission on Glass (ICG) for the declaration of 2022 as the “International Year of Glass” by the United Nations (UN) in order to underline the technological, scientific and economic importance of glass. 

“Providing long-term value with its ever-developing and expanding areas of use, the glass industry offers endless potential in creating a sustainable future. The importance of the industry grows day by day thanks to its ability to create sustainability solutions for the most critical issues such as the environment, climate, energy, and healthcare. As an active member of ICG, the world's most respected organization of glass science, Şişecam Group operates globally for all its stakeholders, driven by the goal of the 'UN International Year of Glass 2022'. We believe that Turkey, which has created a global brand from the Anatolian lands where the glass industry was born, will play a leading role in the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly in order to create the global awareness that the industry deserves", Prof. Ahmet Kırman, Şişecam Group Vice Chairman and CEO, said in his statement. 

The International Commission on Glass (ICG) is working on the declaration of 2022 as the “International Year of Glass” by the United Nations (UN), and boosting the global focus on glass material. ICG, founded in 1933 to promote the development of glass science and technology, is currently the most effective organization in the field of glass, made up of universities, scientific institutions, glass manufacturers and suppliers.

As one of the leading players in the global glass industry, Şişecam Group as an active member of ICG is working towards the declaration of 2022 as the “UN International Year of Glass” in order to emphasize the current technological, scientific and economic importance of glass. 


“Şişecam Group is among the top three producers in glassware and the top five in glass packaging and flat glass in terms of production capacity, and takes justified pride in being global player with manufacturing operations in 14 countries on four continents, sales operations in 150 counties, and 22,000 employees. As an active member of the ICG, the most respected organization of glass science in the world, we work hard globally towards the “UN International Year of Glass 2022” target for all our stakeholders. We seek corporate support in every field touched by glass, and maintain contact with all our stakeholders in public and private institutions and organizations. We trust that, when Turkey assumes the Presidency of the UN General Assembly, any support provided in this context will contribute greatly to our efforts. We believe that Turkey, which has created a global brand from the Anatolian lands where the glass industry was born, will play a leading role in the 75th session of the UN General Assembly in order to create the global awareness that the industry deserves”, Prof. Ahmet Kırman, Şişecam Group Vice Chairman and CEO, said in his statement. 
Kırman remarked that no industry remains untouched by glass since the first glass production, which can be considered the beginning of the glass industry, in Anatolia in 1500 BC, and that the functions and areas of use ascribed to glass and glass products are now proliferating. Kırman also stated that, “Glass is an innovative product that constantly develops with technology. The glass industry contributes to the global economy significantly as one of the key input providers to many industries including construction, automotive, home appliances, food, beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, tourism, furniture, agriculture, retail, renewable energy, defense, aviation, space technologies, electricity, electronics and optics”.

This century will mark the “Glass Age” for a sustainable world

Kırman stated that the global glass market was currently worth $170 billion and continued his speech as follows: “Providing long-term value with its ever-developing and expanding areas of use, the glass industry offers endless potential in creating a sustainable future. The importance of the industry grows day by day thanks to its ability to create sustainability solutions for the most critical issues and risks such as the environment, climate, energy, and healthcare. As well as being the healthiest packaging material, glass, which can be recycled endlessly, supports reproduction with sustainable practices. Energy-saving architectural glass products contribute directly to sustainable cities and national economies for a sustainable future. Therefore, it is crucial to underscore the role of the glass industry, which produces solutions for environmental protection and energy saving in combating climate change, and aims to leave a better planet for future generations. As scientists and industry representatives continuously striving to expand the borders of the glass industry, and in the belief that this century will be the “Glass Age”, we applied to the UN General Assembly, which has recognized key sectors with high-level international efforts and social contributions for the last 60 years by declaring UN International Years, and we requested the declaration of 2022 as the International Year of Glass”.

Şişecam Group undertakes extensive efforts on the entire network of stakeholders, including public institutions and organizations, business representatives, universities, R&D centers, business partners, customers, media and the public, to reinforce the “UN International Year of Glass 2022” in all its countries of operation. In this context, Şişecam ensures that letters of endorsement are sent to the UN General Assembly by representatives of institutions and organizations, while interests for the International Year of Glass 2022 are also registered via the website at

, © Şişecam Group

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Aktualisierte Studie für die weltweite Glasindustrie 2025 jetzt verfügbar für Flach-, Hohlglas und Tableware

Wir haben unsere internationale Studie über die Glasindustrie (Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware) für 2025 aktualisiert.

Dieses Programm ermöglicht einen globalen Überblick über Glashersteller und technische Details. Übersichtliche und benutzerdefinierte Tabellen fassen die Informationen effizient zusammen wie z.B. Glastypen: Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware, Produktionskapazitäten in Kontinenten und Ländern, Ofenanzahl, Ofentypen, Baujahre, Glassorten und Unterkategorien, Produkte, Projekte, spezielle News und Downloads.

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