Glass Industry News

Significant Technology at GlassBuild America 2024

, Forel

Forel demonstrates live its latest innovation that will reduce manufacturing cost, improve product performance and contribute in part to America’s Carbon Reduction Plan.

This year, Forel is delighted to take part in GlassBuild America (GBA), which in 2024 will take place in Dallas Fort Worth, Texas, from 30th September to 2nd October.

The prestigious event will be attended by more than 500 exhibitors from around the world with an expected audience of more than 9,000 visitors. Over the three days and 200,000 square metres of exhibition floor space, visitors will experience the highest levels of excellence the glass industry has to offer.

‘Showcased once again will be Forel’s steadfast commitment to innovation as it presents live at this important event.’ Forel North America President and CEO Scott Knisely states, ‘this exhibition always delivers an ideal opportunity to display our latest technology relevant to the North American market, and this edition of the show is no different, as we unveil exciting new production techniques and products that will significantly help reduce homeowner energy consumption.’

IGU manufacturers from around the world demand production equipment that produces the very latest performance products while reducing cost and increasing output. “The undisputed star of our stand will be the very latest addition to our successful range of HIGH SPEED IG lines” Scott remarked. “This flexible spacer line will allow manufacturers to produce and compete at the highest level in an increasingly competitive market.”  The HIGH SPEED series of IG lines is Forel’s optimal solution to efficiently produce glazing, aimed primarily at the residential segment. The line is focused on producing the highest-precision, top-performing IGU’s combined with the highest possible output and productivity, promoting workflow efficiencies while minimising operator intervention.

Worldwide, triple glazing represents overall improvement in thermal and acoustic performance for building designers and architects that choose this level of glazing composition. However, it is now clear that governments from around the world are legislating to improve building performance to reduce energy consumption and the associated environmental impact.

During the live demonstrations we will unveil exiting new innovations that address those challenges and fits into the guidelines and philosophy of Energy Star 7.0 for the residential market.

If you are serious about reducing cost and increasing profitability join one of our commercial executives for complete insight to the entire range of Forel machinery solutions during GlassBuild and while Forel’s hospitality is legendary, we look forward to welcoming you on our stand located in Hall C stand 38047.

, © Forel

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