Glass Industry News

SGD Pharma’s latest annual sustainability report details global environmental, social and ethical efforts

, SGD Pharma

Global market leader in molded glass packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, SGD Pharma, has published its latest Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report 2022 to underscore its company-wide commitment to a green and sustainable present and future. The 2022 Report is published soon after the company received its coveted ECOVADIS Gold award, achieving its highest ever score of 75 out of 100 - the company is currently rated in the top 2% of global companies in the ‘Manufacture of glass and glass products’ category.

Key achievements include:

100% of all SGD Pharma owned glass manufacturing plants are ISO 45001 certified

100% of SGD Pharma sites are certified with ISO 14001

100% of critical suppliers have CSR clauses in their contracts

Average 26 hours of training per employee

>20% reduction in water consumption vs 2020

The company-wide focus on CSR under new CEO Olivier Rousseau and with new investors PAI Partners on board means stretch targets have been set ahead:

35% reduction in carbon footprint by 2030

65% reduction in carbon footprint by 2040 (compared with 2020 baseline)

Goal: Zero accidents

SA 8000 certification of our plant in India

CSR Spotlight: SGD Pharma Zhanjiang China – tackling deforestation

As well as being SA 8000 certified, the SGD Pharma China plant in Zhanjiang supports the local community by helping to protect biodiversity in Zhanjiang. The city is home to one of the world’s most successful examples of wetland ecological restoration and SDG Pharma has committed to supporting efforts to tackle deforestation by planting mangrove trees. By the end of 2022, SGD Pharma planted a total of 1300 mangrove trees on the coast of Zhanjiang, China, in association with Zhanjiang Nature and Resource Bureau.

CSR Spotlight: SGD Pharma Vemula India – developing local schools

SGD Pharma India is actively involved in social responsibility programs and contributes to developing villages and schools in the region of its plant in Vemula, Telangana, India. During one of the CSR events, SGD Pharma India distributed 200 bicycles for students and 20 special scooters to physically challenged residents.

As a global leader in heavy manufacturing of pharmaceutical-grade glass, SGD Pharma takes its global and local responsibilities seriously. Each location has an energized CSR plan deployed locally and conforms to the company’s overall standards.

The company has made significant BAT (best available technology) investment in its global plants and infrastructure as part of a continual search for improvements in energy consumption. This includes furnace renovations and updated glass production facilities in all 5 plants, including furnace 2 in Sucy-en-Brie, France (leading to a reduction in C02 and Nox emissions) and Saint-Quentin-La-Motte, France, which has both a full electrical furnace and a second oxy-fuel combustion furnace equipped with electrical boosting, both of which allow the plant to produce glass with low carbon emissions. SGD Pharma has also committed to uplift its decarbonization investment by 20% over the coming 15 years.

, © SGD Pharma

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