Glass Industry News

SGD Pharma sets glass industry benchmark in sustainability with Platinum EcoVadis medal

, SGD Pharma

SGD Pharma, a global market leader in pharmaceutical glass primary packaging solutions, has been recognized for its decarbonization and sustainability efforts with the prestigious platinum EcoVadis medal for 2025. EcoVadis provides sustainability ratings for more than 130,000 organizations globally, in more than 200 industries. The coveted platinum rating means that SGD Pharma is now placed in the top 1% of glass manufacturers in the world. 

Having received a score of 87/100 (the company’s highest ever rating), SGD Pharma improved its   individual scores across every evaluated area to achieve an ‘outstanding’ rating in almost all categories. 

“We are honored to receive this platinum medal which reflects our unwavering dedication to decarbonization and sustainable business practices. As a global manufacturer of high-quality and innovative glass packaging solutions for pharmaceutical companies – a notoriously energy intensive manufacturing process - we are committed to reducing our environmental footprint, upholding ethical standards and promoting sustainability throughout our supply chain. This is the cornerstone of our strategy and we intend to lead the Pharma Glass Industry.” Olivier Rousseau, CEO, SGD Pharma, explains.

As a result, SGD Pharma is now in the top 1% both in the glass industry and of all companies evaluated on sustainability worldwide. SGD Pharma achieved particularly high marks in the environment (90/100) and sustainable procurement (91/100) categories, highlighting the company’s comprehensive efforts to minimize its environmental impact and promote responsible procurement practices throughout its supply chain. 

SGD Pharma’s decarbonization targets have recently been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), marking an important milestone in the company’s decarbonization journey. In the short term, SGD Pharma is committed to reducing its Scope 1 & 2 CO2 emissions by 42% by 2030 compared to 2022 levels, aligning with the 1.5oC climate threshold. Additionally, the company aims to reduce Scope 3 (indirect value chain) emissions by 25% over the same period. Looking ahead, SGD Pharma is targeting a 65% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2040 and will continue to work to increase this number.

Find out more about SGD Pharma’s sustainability practices in its annual CSR report which discloses performance against its sustainability strategy and SBTi-approved decarbonization targets: The report details the company’s impact on its global manufacturing footprint, on its people, product, planet and net-zero measures and provides an understanding of the governance processes, controls and procedures to monitor and manage sustainability matters. 

, © SGD Pharma

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