Glass Industry News

SGD Pharma presents new optimized solutions at CPHI worldwide 2024 continuing its leadership in sustainability and innovation

, SGD Pharma

SGD Pharma, global market leader in pharma glass primary packaging solutions, will exhibit its innovative range of products and services on booth 20B11 at CPHI Worldwide, held in Milan, Italy, from 8th to 10th October 2024.

SGD Pharma will introduce its siliconized molded glass vials at CPHI, as the only supplier globally able to offer them to a pharmaceutical standard. SGD Pharma’s siliconization is an internal treatment that provides additional functionalities to a glass vial. The internal coating provides essential protection for sensitive, aggressive and viscous drug products, reducing interaction with the packaging and preserving drug product integrity. Siliconization is available for all glass types in vial sizes ranging from 3ml to 500ml in both clear and amber glass. Siliconization is suitable for all routes of administration (parenteral, oral, nasal). SGD Pharma’s €5 million investment in the siliconization production line at its state-of-the-art Saint-Quentin Lamotte (SQLM) plant enables customers to receive orders of high-performance vials at speed meeting global demand.

With the increasing demand for approval of biologics, new therapeutic approaches and the development of specialty drugs, the demand for ready-to-use (RTU) packaging continues to grow. SGD Pharma is the only supplier offering a RTU solution in molded glass, with its Sterinity EZ-fill® vials* designed to meet the rigorous requirements of the pharmaceutical industry, speed up time to market and reduce total cost of ownership as a result of increased quality and flexibility. At CPHI, SGD Pharma will present an extension to its Sterinity range*. By adding a RTU Type II molded glass vial for the first time, SGD Pharma becomes the go-to-supplier for all RTU needs. Sterinity RTU in Type II will initially be available in size 10H with the extended range of sizes expected to be available during 2025. Sterinity Type I is currently available in sizes 10ml, 20ml, 25ml, 50ml and 100ml, in both clear and amber glass. Sterinity is suitable for various applications from veterinary to human health.

Olivier Rousseau, CEO, SGD Pharma, explains “At CPHI 2024 we are showcasing solutions developed with our pharma and veterinary customers’ needs in mind, aimed at enabling them to bring their drugs to market quickly and safely. This commitment to innovation is reflected by our dedication to sustainability, which is an integral component of our company strategy. As we support the UN Global Compact for the fifth consecutive year, we are particularly proud of our progress in reducing carbon emissions at our global glass manufacturing sites. SGD Pharma’s renewable energy initiatives, including the upgrade of our furnace at Saint Quentin Lamotte (SQLM) in France and the installation of solar panels at our Vemula, India plant, underscore an overarching focus on decarbonization with the company-wide goal to cut emissions recorded in 2020, by 35% by 2030 and by 65% by 2040. These efforts reflect our responsibility to our customers, partners and the planet as we strive for a safer and healthier environment.”


At CPHI, SGD Pharma will also present the extension of its IDENCY range to include 20ml and 6ml sizes and introduce new caps for its Ensiemo syrup bottles:

·IDENCY is a Type I glass vial that combines the benefits of both molded and tubular technologies. for parenteral sensitive drugs. IDENCY has been developed by SGD Pharma to complement existing portfolios and is suitable for all parenteral drugs, especially the most sensitive ones.

·Our Ensiemo full packaging solution is a pharma-grade Type III glass vial and pipette, now available with polypropylene or polyethylene caps for a tamper evident and child resistant closure.

An extensive range of LabServices are now available for SGD Pharma customers and partners in molded glass. Experts at SGD Pharma’s SQLM plant can complete analytical testing for pharma and biopharma companies, CMO/CDMOs and other glass manufacturers. More LabServices will be launched in 2025.

Visit us at booth 20B11 to see our product ranges and talk to our team of experts about how we can achieve your requirements while delivering on the promise of sustainability.

*EZ-fill® is a registered trademark of Stevanato Group and/or its affiliates in one or more jurisdictions.

, © SGD Pharma

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