Glass Industry News

SGD Pharma continues to innovate with the extension of its Ready-To-Use Sterinity glass vials for parenteral pharmaceutical applications

, SGD Pharma

Global market leader in molded glass packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, SGD Pharma announces the latest expansion of its Sterinity range of Ready-To-Use (RTU) Type I molded glass vials. The launch of additional sizes 10H*ml and 20H ml in tray is advantageous to customers who will benefit from increased flexibility as a result of the extended portfolio.

Demand for high-value parenteral drugs has increased dramatically in recent years, placing more pressure on pharmaceutical companies to accelerate their time to market. SGD Pharma’s range of RTU Sterinity vials offer customers an efficient solution to the lengthy stages of vial-sterilization and provides the flexibility they require to prioritize patient safety and distribute medicines significantly faster. Furthermore, by outsourcing the sterilization process, SGD Pharma’s compliant Sterinity range reduces total cost of ownership (TCO).

This latest range extension is the result of customer requests for 10ml and 20ml high-quality sterile vial offerings for aseptic fill/finish of parenteral drugs. The full Sterinity portfolio now includes sizes 10, 20, 50, 100ml ISO and 20, 25, 50 EasyLyo, giving customers access to high-quality solutions from SGD Pharma that have been adapted to suit a wide variety of applications and accommodate the needs of many customer markets, including pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies, compounding pharmacies, hospitals and veterinary clinics.


SGD Pharma remains the first global manufacturer to offer RTU molded glass vials for injectable drugs and this range extension means it continues to offer customers the widest size selection on the market, in multiple formats. Its Sterinity range of RTU vials brings together the industry leadership collaboration benefits of manufacturing (SGD Pharma) and sterilization (Stevanato). Sterinity is a cost-effective solution for parenteral products requiring an aseptic fill and finish environment that offers increased quality, patient safety and flexibility for both large and small batches. Stevanato’s industry recognized EZ fill packaging platform supports RTU processes, eliminating upfront washing, depyrogenation and sterilization steps.

Carole Grassi Mircich, Chief Commercial Marketing & Innovation Officer, asserts: “SGD Pharma has a proven record of quickly addressing the evolving pharmaceutical packaging needs of its customers. Our Sterinity range extension comes at a time when global demand for parenteral drugs is at its peak. Our convenient new 10ml and 20ml ISO molded glass vials in tray, provide an optimal packaging solution for biologics and innovative treatments that require glass vials for parenteral use. SGD Pharma will continue to innovate and produce high-quality primary glass packaging for our customers and partners, maintaining our position as global industry-leader".

This continued innovation from SGD Pharma demonstrates the company’s customer-led commitment to the development of new glass packaging solutions of the highest quality, that prioritizes patient safety and protect customers’ business continuity with a reliable global supply. SGD Pharma has immediate stock availability of its new 10ml and 20ml Sterinity molded glass vials, to ensure customer lead times are met.

Customers needing lyophilized vials benefit from the robustness and resistance of EasyLyo glass vials in the Sterinity range. Suitable for extreme conditions encountered during the lyophilization process, they combine the strength of molded glass with superior aesthetics quality and weight reduction. SGD Pharma’s molded glass vials also have many distributional advantages, the chemical inertness of molded glass protects drug stability, which reduces particle generation to protect patient safety

, © SGD Pharma

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