Glass Industry News

Stevanato and Gerresheimer AG Announce Collaboration on the Development of an Innovative Ready-To-Use Vial Platform for the Pharmaceutical Industry

, Stevanato

The two leading companies joined forces to develop a new Ready-To-Use vial solution, based on EZ-fill® pre-sterilized platform, allowing seamless integration into standard fill & finish lines, helping customers gaining significant increase in quality and efficiency

Stevanato Group S.p.A. (NYSE: STVN), a global provider of drug containment, drug delivery and diagnostic solutions to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and life sciences industries, and Gerresheimer AG, a leading global provider of healthcare & beauty and drug delivery systems for pharma, biotech and cosmetics announce that they have jointly developed a high-end Ready-To-Use (RTU) solution platform with an initial focus on vials, based on Stevanato Group’s market-leading EZ-fill® technology. This collaboration is projected to help customers gain efficiencies, improve the quality standard, increase speed to market, reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) and help mitigate supply chain risk.

Stevanato Group and Gerresheimer AG are addressing rising demand for RTU vials in the market and the partnership serves as a market enabler to fully support customers’ evolving needs and establish a gold standard in the industrial filling process. The collaboration aims to make RTU vials a standard, available to a wide number of pharma companies globally – offering premium quality solutions to patients and reducing complexity for pharma operations. The new solution will be available to other players in the market to standardize fill-finish operations from early phase drug development to commercialization. The new RTU solution platform from Stevanato Group and Gerresheimer AG will share the same secondary packaging, production process and sterilization method, ensuring consistent available capacity and a reliable double sourcing to the pharmaceutical industry. A hallmark of the new RTU platform is a significant reduction in particles, improving the overall quality and performance of the RTU solutions. In addition, customers can count on a high-end solution made by two major players in the drug containment industry with a long history of innovation. The new jointly developed vial platform and trademark will be presented in detail to the market at the CPhI Worldwide in Frankfurt in November 2022.

“Our EZ-fill® vial platform is the market’s most established choice for pre-sterilized containers, and this enhanced version for RTU vials will bring to the market its full potential in terms of quality, flexibility and value for Pharmaceutical Companies and CMOs,” said Mauro Stocchi, Chief Business Officer at Stevanato Group. “Through our collaboration with Gerresheimer AG we are responding to market demand, and we expect to achieve another important milestone in creating a reliable ecosystem to support, accelerate and de-risk the conversion from bulk to EZ-fill® vials already underway in the market.”

“The new developed RTU vial platform stands out in terms of quality, TCO and sustainability and takes the use of RTU solutions like vials and, in the future, cartridges to a new level," said Dr. Lukas Burkhardt, Member of the Management Board of Gerresheimer AG. "Due to the strong reduction of the particle load, the quality is significantly increased. Our new innovative solution will convince the market to significantly accelerate the conversion from bulk to RTU vials.”


, © Stevanato

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