Glass Industry News


, Steklosouz

The glass-container plant "Interglass", located in the village of Samus (belongs to the closed city of Seversk, the satellite city of Tomsk), has begun to modernize its production; at the first stage (by the end of this year) it is planned to modernize the existing lines, at the second (by the end of 2022) the construction of the second stage of the plant, the director of Interglass Oleg Gumenyuk told reporters.

As follows from the materials of the company "Interglass", the plant was created in 2018 on the basis of the bankrupt glass container plant "Seversksteklo". The plant has two glass-blowing furnaces (Czech Republic), as well as packaging lines made in France and Germany. The total production at the end of 2019 was 108 million items - glass jars and bottles.


Updating existing lines

“The modernization of the first stage of production should be completed by the end of this year. The total estimate of modernization is about 500 million rubles, half of which are our own funds, half of which are funds from the Industrial Development Fund. As a result of the reconstruction, we plan to add 15% to the existing production volumes and significantly increase the quality of products, "Gumenyuk said.

The modernization of the first stage of Interglass assumes the renewal of the glass-melting furnace and the retrofitting of the existing lines with additional equipment. As a result, the plant will be able to produce lightweight glass containers using NNPB technology (especially in demand by beer companies), which will lead to savings in raw materials, energy resources and a decrease in production costs, the company says.

The renovation of the production line of the plant "Interglass" became possible thanks to the concessional loan of the federal "Fund for the Development of Industry", which the company received with the support of the regional authorities, said Igor Shaturny, Vice Governor of the Tomsk Region for Industrial Policy.

“The regional authorities helped the company prepare an application to the federal“ Industrial Development Fund ”, it was approved, and the plant received almost 250 million rubles of soft loans. We will continue to support the enterprise, and I hope that next year the plant will find the resources for the construction and launch of the second stage of production, "Shaturny said.

Plans for the future

According to the general director, today the geography of supplies of Interglass products covers the territory from Arkhangelsk to Yakutia, including Kazakhstan. At the same time, the plant refuses new customers, since it physically cannot satisfy all requests. The transition to the production of lightweight glass containers will expand the number of customers - Baltika has already submitted an application for cooperation.

The launch of the second stage of the plant, for which the site is already being prepared, will allow the company to increase its volumes by 2 - 2.5 times. But finding the funds to buy a new production line will not be easy.

“Construction of the second stage will require about 1.5 billion rubles of investments. Now we are preparing the documentation, we are starting the design of the second stage. According to our plans, the design should be completed by the end of 2021, and the construction by the end of 2022, "Gumenyuk said.

The launch of the second line of the plant will allow the company to increase its staff by 150 people (today the plant employs 235 residents of the village of Samus), according to the materials of Interglass.

According to the analytical system “SPARK-Interfax”, “Interglass” LLC was registered in the Samus settlement in 2017. Refers to small and medium-sized businesses. The main activity is the production of hollow glass products and sheet glass. The owner of the main share (62.5%) in the company is its general director Oleg Gumenyuk, who also controls the Novosibirsk companies A-Trading and Stroiplast. At the end of 2019, the company brought in 10 thousand rubles of net profit (in 2018 - 5.3 million).

, © Steklosouz

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