Glass Industry News

SEFPRO completes Glass Service acquisition

, Sefpro

SEFPRO has completed its acquisition of Glass Service.

Its Vice President, Laurent Cohen-Scali said Sefpro's excellence in refractory products and Glass Service's expertise in digital technologies was a combination of the best of both worlds.

“Our common ambition will be to unleash fantastic new innovations to help the industry in its decarbonisation and digitalisation journey, and to create more value for our customers and both companies," he said.

The alliance will accelerate the development of solutions to accompany customers in their digital transformation, which will be key to introduce and manage new low-carbon furnace technologies. 

“At the same time, Glass Service teams will gain access to more resources, such as our R&D centres around the world, and support to enhance customer reach and new developments. 

“Finally while leveraging this new capability Glass Service will continue to operate in the same way and with the same passionate and expert teams supporting the glass industry with the same mindset.”

The acquisition was originally announced in January and has now been completed after various legal procedures.

Mr Cohen-Scali (pictured left) assured customers of the benefits of the deal with the companies now able to offer solutions throughout the lifetime of a furnace and to manage their energy consumption and refractory performance, using technology such as smart model-based software with AI to control and reduce emissions

“Together we can assist better our clients in improving performance and productivity and in advancing towards the decarbonisation of the glassmaking process."

“Both Sefpro and Glass Service have put substantial efforts in that direction and have developed solutions, especially in predicting the impacts of design or process in the furnace lifetime and energy consumption.

“Trust has always been a core value at Sefpro which has allowed us to build long-lasting collaborative partnerships with our customers. It is thus embedded in Sefpro culture with strong internal policies.

“Glass Service is dealing with very sensitive information and joining Sefpro, Glass Service customers will be in good and safe hands as it will remain the foundation of our current and future joint development."

, © Sefpro

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