Glass Industry News

Sedak extends production limit to a width of 3.60 meters

, Sedak GmbH & Co. KG

sedak now presents transparency in a larger maximum size, achieving a new milestone in glass processing: the technological leader for large-format functional glass now manufactures panes up to 3.6 meters wide. This makes insulation and safety glass with areas of up to 72 square meters possible. The new format extends the freedom of design and the transparency of façades; the glass also fulfils the highest requirements on quality and appearance. Even when coated glass is used, the maximum format is impressive: panes of up to 3.21 x 19.45 meters are possible. As a full-service supplier, sedak supports its customers with trouble-free transport to the installation location and works in partnership with architects, fabricators and investors from the planning to the installation.

sedak - leading glass

Since its founding in 2007, Germany-based company sedak has used its pioneering spirit to establish itself as a premium manufacturer of large-format insulated and safety glass. sedak has evolved their glass as a construction material for all-glass facades and roofs. Iconic facades and buildings are created with an unprecedented degree of transparency thanks to superior quality of innovative products.

sedak manufactures single-pane glass units, multi-layer glazing and functional insulated glass units in formats up to 3.6 x 20 meters in an efficient, highly automated system. Raw glass is treated, strengthened, laminated, printed, lamination-curved and assembled into insulated glass with a unique set of machinery that spreads over a production area measuring 35,000qm. Since integrating Italian-based Sunglass Industry srl, who are the specialist in curved glass, sedak’s core expertise also now includes hot bending glass. The specialist also supplies exceptional solutions for luxury yachts with optimized glass for use on the high seas.

The glass fabricator particularly demonstrates its solution-oriented expertise in special designs. Thanks to its research and development spirit, new technologies and the expertise of its 190 employees, sedak is constantly advancing innovations in glass finishing and sees itself as a partner to architects, developers, facade builders and metalwork companies. As a specialist in oversized and extremely heavy glass, the company develops future-oriented solutions to implement customers visions with a flexible approach. The glass fabricator acts as a full-service supplier – from the initial order to final delivery. sedak thus helps advance tomorrow's visionary architecture today.

Exceptional reference projects provide proof of impressive expertise. These include: Lakhta Center, St. Petersburg / House of European History, Brussels / Faculty of Medicine, Montpellier / Torre Europa, Madrid / Iconsiam, Bangkok / Apple Park, Cupertino / Apple Cube, New York / Experimenta, Heilbronn / Numerous premium flagship stores.

Areas of use

- Glass facades
- Glass roofs
- Glass stairways
- Glass balustrades
- Yacht glazing
- Pool glazing
- Safety glazing
- All-glass structurs
- Interior design
- Special designs

, © Sedak GmbH & Co. KG

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