Glass Industry News

Score! Scotland’s Cube Glass wins another major stadium contract at Rangers FC’s Hummel Training Centre

, Cube Glass

Innovative and sectorally-diverse glass and aluminium specialist Cube Glass has again increased its presence in the important UK stadium market with a major contract at Rangers Football Club’s state-of-the-art Hummel Training Centre. The stadium arena and sports venue business has mushroomed in importance in recent years as owners and operators continue to drive awareness and maximise non-match day revenues.

The 38-acre Hummel Training Centre at Auchenhowie in the north of Glasgow, formerly Murray Park, was opened in 2001 at a cost of £14 million. Hummel, the Danish sportswear company, is Rangers’ kit supplier. Working in association with Morris & Spottiswood, Cumbernauld-based Cube Glass installed three fire-rated Schueco screens and new double doors at the training centre, which hosts manager Steve Gerrard, his staff and the first team squad.

The company also refurbished the professional player entrance and fitted a new entrance for the Academy within the main building. The contract follows major works which it carried out at Rangers’ home ground, Ibrox Stadium.

Gary Thorn, Cube Glass founder and Managing Director, said: "We are delighted to have been invited to participate in such a prestigious project and very pleased to have the opportunity to work with such professional partners. “Cube Glass, which operates across the UK, is also very aware of the growing importance of the stadium sector in Britain and the potential for top-quality suppliers across a range of disciplines. “We hope this will open doors for us in sports venues and arenas which are in the market for the highest quality glass and curtain walling solutions.”

At Ibrox, the company installed new automatic entrance doors to the Sandy Jardine Stand, formerly the Govan Stand, which runs along the side of the pitch and hosts bars and hospitality boxes. It also fitted new doors to the ticket office, corporate suites and emergency exits.

Cube Glass also created a specially-designed frameless glass barrier at the top of the stand which will provide protection for supported needs children while allowing them an uninterrupted view of the game from a much better vantage point than previously. Fast-growing Cube Glass has already established a presence in sectors such as education health, industrial, social care, commercial property and residential homes. A cascade of recent six-figure contracts has placed the manufacturer and installer on track for another record year of sales and profits. Mr Thorn added: "We are very aware of the advantages of having a wide spread of sectors in our work and we see stadia and arenas as particularly exciting opportunities.”

Cube Glass, focuses on curtain walling, doors, windows, glass roofing systems and shop fronts as well as bullet, bomb and blast resistant glass.

With record sales this year of around £2.75m, it has 14 highly-qualified employees. Around 80% of the company’s sales are made to major companies such as Hilton Hotels, the Ministry of Defence, Arnold Clark, Morris and Spottiswood and Clark Contracts.


, © Cube Glass

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