Glass Industry News



Schraml Glastechnik GmbH - a member of the LiSEC Group and specialised supplier of vertical processing machines for flat glass from Großraming - is proud to announce the launch of the 8th generation topDRILL glass drilling machine. This further development was presented for the first time at the popular glasstec 2022 trade fair in Düsseldorf. The system, which is well known in industry circles, has been further optimised and now has an 8-slot revolver and can also be equipped with a water jet head. The topDRILL G8 stands out thanks to its impressive productivity, flexibility and user-friendly operation.


The topDRILL G8 was developed for the rapid, straightforward and practical drilling and countersinking of glass. These processes can be carried out from both sides and are possible with a wide range of glass sizes. An optional water jet head delivers added versatility and means additional applications are also possible. Thanks to programming in the Industry 4.0 standard, the machine is capable of processing both individual sheets and series of glass lites sheets without difficulty. The G8 offers maximum productivity and flexibility together with a very compact footprint. Furthermore, the machine is very easy to operate and maintenance is reduced to a minimum.

The topDRILL G8 offers a wide range of options, such as a glass thickness measurement for thickness checking, a ball screw on the Y-axis, a water jet system with high-pressure pump and water treatment, extension modules on the right and left, and various data interfaces for connection to IoT systems. The topDRILL G8 was developed with sustainability in mind. Thanks to targeted engineering and resource-saving processing, the machine offers a compact design and an automatic work procedure with rapid cycle times, reducing the need for floor space, operator time, water, electricity and compressed air. 
The topDRILL RX 25 G8 is ideal for performance-oriented operations with a requirement for fast and flexible hole drilling. It can be seamlessly integrated into production lines, for example as part of the combiFIN, whereby it is installed directly after a vertical CNC grinding and polishing machine. The topDRILL can naturally also be combined with third-party devices.

Put succinctly, the topDRILL G8 stands out thanks to:
•    Rapid and straightforward drilling and countersinking from both sides
•    A high degree of flexibility and modular construction with two different heights
•    Optionally with or without 8-slot revolver head and with or without water jet system
•    Fully digital, interface-compatible and with maintenance interval display


The topDRILL G8 is available in two versions: RX and NC. The type NC has a fast single drilling head on the front side and at the back of the machine. It has a manual quick-change system. The machine is designed more for series operation. The type RX topDRILL has an 8-slot revolver head on the front side and at the back of the machine. This machine can perform the tool change on one side while the opposite side is still being drilled or countersunk. It is also possible to change the tool during positioning, which makes the machine unbeatably fast. The two latest generation types of the machine are now additionally available for delivery with a fully integrated water jet head, which means that unrestricted fitting or interior cut-outs can be realised. 
Information on the topDRILL RX: 
Information on the topDRILL NC:  


For the future, Schraml plans to further optimise the software and user-friendliness, including full digital support for maintenance activities. The topDRILL G8 will be the first device to feature an integrated and predictive maintenance control system. Other trends include the integration of loading and logistics systems with accompanying software optimisation, the development of special designs for the solar and PV industry, and the use of digital twins to calculate and monitor all operating data.

, © LiSEC

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