Glass Industry News

SCHOTT Pharma with strong financial performance in fiscal year 2022


In a record year of growth, sales increased by 27% to EUR 821 million and EBITDA by 33% to EUR 219 million on a preliminary basis

Higher profitability due to increasing share of sales from high-value solutions, which continue to experience a strong market growth

Expansion of production capacities on track to meet surging demand for containment solutions for injectable drugs

Based on 100 years of experience, SCHOTT Pharma continues to drive the industry with cutting-edge containment solutions

SCHOTT Pharma, a pioneer in pharma drug containment and delivery solutions, further accelerated its trajectory and achieved another record year of growth. In the fiscal year 20221, SCHOTT Pharma generated sales of EUR 821 million, marking a 27% increase compared to the previous year. Over the past five years, SCHOTT Pharma has realized sustained profitable topline growth of more than 10% CAGR. Profitability increased even stronger in fiscal year 2022, resulting in an EBITDA up 33% to EUR 219 million, and an EBITDA margin increase of 1.4 percentage points to 26.7%. This underlines SCHOTT Pharma’s leading role in the growing injectables market. “Further, we expect the addressable market to increase annually by 7-8% in the following years,” said Andreas Reisse, CEO at SCHOTT Pharma. “In particular, we saw a rising demand for our strong-margin high-value solutions, such as prefillable glass and polymer syringes, as well as ready-to-use containment solutions.”

“We were able to grow our business significantly with profitability rising at the same time. Our strategic investments have helped us capitalize on fast-growing pharma trends. This outstanding performance was achieved despite facing an overall challenging environment, driven by rising energy and raw material costs as well as high volatility in the market,” said Almuth Steinkühler, CFO at SCHOTT Pharma.

SCHOTT Pharma reached important milestones in recent months supporting the company’s strong growth momentum. Highlights include the expansion of its global production network with a new plant for prefillable polymer syringes in Müllheim, Germany, breaking ground on a new production hub for prefillable glass syringes in Lukácsháza, Hungary, and ramping up production for ready-to-use cartridges in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Furthermore, the company expanded its so-called ready-to-use (RTU) product portfolio with a no-touch transfer solution for safer and easier pharma manufacturing, while further enhancing its high-value vial product portfolio known-as SCHOTT EVERIC®, among others.


SCHOTT Pharma produced around 13 billion units for the pharma industry in the last fiscal year to safely store and administer medications. The portfolio includes prefillable glass and polymer syringes, cartridges, vials, and ampoules. Every minute, more than 25,000 people around the world receive an injection with medication filled in a SCHOTT Pharma product. Overall, SCHOTT Pharma benefits from the strong growth of the market for injectables, which makes up one of the most dynamic segments in the industry. “Looking ahead, we are expecting to continue to outperform the market growth,” said Reisse. 

The company plans to further strengthen its business with high-value solutions. For example, RTU containers, which are pre-washed and pre-sterilized to allow pharma companies to start filling their drugs immediately. While such prefillable syringes have been in the industry for decades, RTU vials and cartridges are well established for clinical trials and first commercial drugs. SCHOTT Pharma is seeing increasing demand from its customers to use these solutions also for commercial drug production and is prepared to meet the shift in demand towards RTU solutions.

There is also promise in prefillable polymer syringes for mRNA-based medications, which oftentimes must be stored at temperatures of -80 degrees Celsius. “To our knowledge, we are the only supplier to offer a syringe system to meet these requirements,” said Reisse. “SCHOTT Pharma is ideally positioned to capitalize on this fast-growing pharma trend."

1The fiscal year 2022 runs from October 2021 to September 2022. The financial results in this press release are unaudited combined financials.



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