Glass Industry News

Driving subcutaneous self-injection of large volume doses: SCHOTT Pharma launches large format ready-to-use cartridges for on-body devices

, SCHOTT Pharma

SCHOTT Pharma introduces new 10ml ready-to-use (RTU) cartridges, specifically designed to store highly sensitive biologics used to treat cancer, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular conditions, genetic disorders, and immunological diseases.

The proven container compatibility with devices allows patients to self-administer drugs in the comfort of their homes for greater patient convenience while reducing costs for the healthcare system.

Combined with Ypsomed’s on-body device YpsoDose, the fully assembled system is the first on the market that is prefilled and pre-loaded, significantly reducing the handling steps for end-users.

SCHOTT Pharma, a pioneer in pharma drug containment solutions and delivery systems, expands its ready-to-use (RTU) platform with 10ml RTU cartridges. This large format solution is specifically designed to protect and administer highly sensitive biologics, which are transforming the treatment landscape for numerous diseases, including cancer, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular conditions, genetic disorders, and immunological diseases. By partnering with device manufacturer Ypsomed, SCHOTT Pharma’s new RTU cartridges are compatible with the on-body device YpsoDose. The fully assembled device is the first on the market that is prefilled and pre-loaded, which leads to significantly fewer handling steps for the end user. “With our large format RTU cartridges, we are actively supporting pharma companies, who are transitioning the drug administration from intravenous infusion to subcutaneous injection,” says Andreas Reisse, CEO of SCHOTT Pharma. “We are thereby empowering patients to self-administer also large volume medications, which is a real game-changer for them. By facilitating the shift to homecare solutions, we are also helping to reduce the financial burden on the healthcare system.” The RTU cartridges known as cartriQ® are available for human use (FHU) and are manufactured at the company’s site in St. Gallen, Switzerland.


Currently, there are over 6,200 injectable drugs in the drug development pipeline, of which roughly 80% are biologics1. These drugs typically feature a complex molecular structure and must be stored in innovative containers to ensure drug stability. Moreover, particularly biologics with high viscosity or those that need to be injected in high volumes require unique solutions that ensure safe and reliable administration. With the advancements in biological formulations and delivery devices, a broader range of therapies can be administered subcutaneously. Thereby enhancing the overall patient experience and expanding the reach of these innovative treatments.

“Our collaboration with SCHOTT Pharma builds on years of trustful cooperation. By ensuring proven compatibility of our device with their new ready-to-use large format cartridges, we’re prioritizing patient needs and enabling the greatest patient convenience,” adds Reto Jost, Category Lead Large Volume Injectors at Ypsomed. At the same time, pharma companies benefit from a pre-tested and pre-validated solution, which significantly accelerates the time-to-market of lifesaving drugs.

Expanding high-value solutions portfolio

As part of the SCHOTT iQ® platform, cartriQ® RTU cartridges come in a standardized nest and tub configuration, ensuring optimal container quality and enhancing fill-and-finish efficiency for pharma companies. The solution undergoes stringent in-house steam sterilization to maintain a high level of sterility. By using steam for the sterilization process, the company is able to avoid ethylene oxide, which is typically used in the industry, thereby opting for a more sustainable option. Additionally, cartriQ® is the first cartridge on the market that features a sterile barrier integrated into the crimp cap, which eliminates the need for manual swabbing pre-use. This reduces the handling steps for patients or healthcare professionals, which saves time and reduces risk for error. The product is part of SCHOTT Pharma’s portfolio of high-value solutions (HVS), which further strengthens the company’s strategic shift towards HVS.

, © SCHOTT Pharma

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