Glass Industry News

SCHOTT Pharma delivers right after IPO with strong profitable growth for the full year, at the upper end of its guidance


Successful fiscal year 2023, with a year-on-year increase in revenues of 9% to EUR 899m supported by increased share of revenue from strong-margin high-value solutions

Strong EBITDA increase of 9% to EUR 239m leads to an EBITDA margin of 26.6%

Full set of FY 2023 financial results to be published on January 26, 2024

SCHOTT Pharma, a pioneer in pharma drug containment solutions and delivery systems, closed its fiscal year 2023¹ with revenues of EUR 899m at the upper end of its guidance. Compared to EUR 821m in FY 2022, this represents a strong increase of 9%, taking into account the effects of customers’ temporary destocking in the core vials product category during the year. The company’s EBITDA increased in line with revenue to EUR 239m (+9% yoy), enabling SCHOTT Pharma to maintain its high EBITDA margin of 26.6%. The strong growth was enabled by the expansion of SCHOTT Pharma’s production capacities, especially for drug delivery systems and the new production lines for prefillable polymer syringes in Müllheim, Germany. This key milestone was also a key contributor to the share of revenue from strong-margin high-value solutions increasing by 9 percentage points to 48%, which was better than expected.

“We are very pleased that we were able to fully deliver on our promises and meet our growth targets that we set out during our recent IPO. Our strong growth and high level of profitability not only continue to demonstrate our attractive financial profile, but also confirm our strategic focus on pharma trends and the fast-growing market for high-value solutions. For those reasons, we are confident about both the coming financial year and our mid-term targets”, said Dr. Almuth Steinkühler, CFO of SCHOTT Pharma. The strong performance of high-value solutions (HVS) drove impressive overall growth despite the effects of underutilization in the core vials product category from customer destocking in the second half of the financial year.

With its products, SCHOTT Pharma serves some of the most important and exciting pharma trends, such as GLP-1, homecare and mRNA, that will continue to serve as growth drivers. The company continuously develops solutions for new drug categories to ensure their safe storage and administration to patients all over the world.

As of December 18, 2023, SCHOTT Pharma was included in the SDAX, joining the DAX family for the first time.

SCHOTT Pharma will publish its 2023 annual report including the non-financial report on January 26, 2024.


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