Glass Industry News

SCHOTT CERAN® named Brand of the Century 2022

, Schott

With over 200 million cooktops sold, pioneering spirit, and innovative strength, SCHOTT CERAN® has been writing successful brand history for more than 50 years

SCHOTT CERAN® has been selected as Brand of the Century for the fourth time (2013, 2016, 2019, 2022)

Every three years, the ZEIT publishing group honors those brands that have set the standard for an entire industry worldwide. SCHOTT CERAN® is one of them – and has once again been named Brand of the Century.

It is impossible to imagine kitchens around the world without them: with more than 200 million units sold, glass-ceramic cooktop panels from SCHOTT are a success story that stands for quality, pioneering spirit, and innovative strength. For this, SCHOTT CERAN® has now once again been named Brand of the Century 2022 by the ZEIT publishing group and editor Dr. Florian Langenscheidt.

"With CERAN®, SCHOTT hasn’t just invented the black glass-ceramic cooktop panel, it’s defined a new era in cooking," says Jörg Wingefeld, Vice President Marketing & Sales of the SCHOTT Cooking Business Unit. "We’ve been melting our glass-ceramic exclusively in Germany for more than 50 years, and have been consistent in developing it even further."

"We are delighted to be named ‘Brand of the Century’ once again,” says Kathrin Becker, Marketing Director at SCHOTT CERAN®. "This special award underscores how strong our ingredient branding is. True to our motto ‘Excitement on top’, we’re committed to continue to set exciting trends for the kitchen."

New CERAN Luminoir™ glass-ceramic lights up future cooktops

The latest innovation from SCHOTT CERAN®, CERAN Luminoir™, is making cooking into a new experience. Its completely new material formula improves glass-ceramic’s light transmission and allows LED light sources installed under the cooktop surface to emit light more brilliantly. White light in particular shines five times brighter through the new material compared to conventional black glass-ceramic. Thanks to the accurate reproduction of colors and color gradients, displays and indicators can be placed under the glass-ceramic cooktop, which only become visible when the stove is switched on. Otherwise, the cooktop remains deep black and reliably hides the technology underneath when viewed from all angles.

The new material makes exciting light features possible without additional filters and coatings. This reduces the complexity of manufacturing, meaning that smart cooktops could soon become interesting to a broader range of consumers.


, © Schott

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