Glass Industry News

Saverglass Expands with a Multi-Service Warehouse in Fairfield, California

, Saverglass

Alcohol sales are up in the United States. Now more than ever, it is vital for wine and spirits brands to choose the best glass bottle packaging strategy and to seek efficiencies in the supply chain that will enable them to get their bottles from the glass factory to the hands of consumers efficiently.

In today's fast-paced environment, glass bottle manufacturers face ever-demanding requests from wine and spirits brands. As proof of its continued commitment and dedication to innovation, in 2018, Saverglass opened a state-of-the-art manufacturing and decoration facility in North America and has been able to respond to the increasing trend for premiumization in the wine and spirits sectors. Logically, in September 2020, Saverglass opened a new 430,000 square foot multi-service warehouse in a Class A building in Fairfield, California, to facilitate wine and spirits brands’ easy access to a suite of services for their glass bottle needs all in one place. With over three decades in California, Saverglass has operated multiple warehouses near Napa to meet its customers’ increasing demand. The Saverglass’ multi-service warehouse indicates its continued commitment to its customers to provide excellent service and innovative and modern solutions for their glass bottle needs.

With more space and more docks to work from, the multi-service warehouse is designed to optimize lead time and reduce costs while bringing the same level of service to its customers. A team of 35 third-party employees has been integrated within Saverglass’ warehouse team, optimizing repacking of orders to meet each customer’s needs and fulfilling last-minute requests for small and large orders. Moreover, the warehouse has the capacity for inventory storage and stock offerings for its customers.

The company has a strong commitment to the local community, and the location in Fairfield brings numerous benefits to the Saverglass workforce, including a shorter commute. Also, the office design is an employee-centered environment dedicated to their well-being and productivity to continue to retain loyal employees.
Saverglass Inc. has experienced double-digit annual growth for the past eight years. Saverglass is grateful for long-standing partnerships with local third parties (3PL), packaging suppliers, trucking companies, distributors, and many others. The company has offices and warehouses in Seattle (WA), Louisville (KY), and sales offices in Ramsey (NJ) and Washington D.C. to be close to its customers.

, © Saverglass

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