Glass Industry News

Save time in engineering with the new Comos Version 10.3

, Siemens AG
  • New engineering portal speeds up plant engineering
  • Object queries now editable in Comos web application
  • Modular engineering with intelligent templates and central data storage

In the latest version 10.3 of its Comos CAE software solution for the process industry, Siemens is focusing on increasing efficiency in engineering. Using the Comos Engineering Portal included in this version, engineering processes can be significantly shortened. In addition to this, new developments and functional expansions are available for the current version in modular engineering and for mobile applications.

The engineering portal in version 10.3 of Comos speeds up the engineering process. The portal can be reached directly in Comos from the product selector. The user quickly and easily enters all the requirements the component has to fulfill and selects the most appropriate option from the current product offers provided from a range of manufacturers. After downloading all the necessary information, the data sheets and specifications are imported into Comos from the engineering portal. For example, this allows the selected cable to be quickly and easily integrated into a circuit diagram – without any expensive and time-consuming customization. All information and documents are directly allocated to the component in Comos. This saves time during the engineering phase and bills of material can be generated fast. Potential sources of error are reduced as are any rectification costs. The Comos Engineering Portal is available in German, English, and Chinese.

Users can now modify the web application of the Comos software solution to suit their own individual requirements. Engineering data from Comos can now be easily integrated, edited, and validated and then being reimported into Comos. This provides greater flexibility and mobility in the design of workflows. For the first time, Comos Version 10.3 also allows object queries to be edited and batch processes to be completed in the Comos web application. The new 2D client makes it possible to call up objects in Comos without any previous revision. The data is therefore always up to date and can be seamlessly visualized in 1D, 2D or 3D. This provides the user with extremely high transparency and minimizes sources of error at the same time.

In addition to this, Comos makes it possible to consistently implement modularized engineering for all disciplines with central data storage and the use of intelligent templates – from tender preparation and engineering all the way to project completion. Using smart templates engineers and operators have access to a high degree of bidding and planning efficiency. Quotations can be compiled quickly, creating a solid base for a clear and structured cost calculation. Significant amounts of the basic engineering are already complete when the order arrives. So-called over-engineering or under-engineering can be substantially reduced by using the Comos modularized engineering solution.

The standardized modules allow customer requests to be individually and concisely implemented. Regulatory requirements such as compliance can also be safely included. Comos allows companies to build up a solid knowledge base, secure their expertise, and remain successful for the long term.

, © Siemens AG

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