Glass Industry News

SageGlass Awarded Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label

, SageGlass

SageGlass has been developing the world’s most energy-efficient glass since 1989. As a full subsidiary of Saint-Gobain, SageGlass plays an important role in the global market leader’s innovation and sustainability strategy. SageGass is now part of the #1000solutions to change the world identified and selected by the Solar Impulse Foundation. For SageGlass, the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” label is proof of the marketability of its solutions and represents an opportunity for more visibility and credibility for its products.

The “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” label is awarded to clean, profitable solutions and is one of the first labels for businesses bringing together protection of the environment and financial viability. To receive the label, businesses must first be thoroughly assessed by a pool of independent experts who examine and evaluate the technology on the three main topics of Feasibility, Environmental Compatibility and Profitability. The first 1000 labeled solutions are part of the #1000solutions portfolio by Bertrand Piccard, Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation. The aim of this initiative is to encourage decisionmakers in business and government to fast-track the implementation of more sustainable, more environmentally responsible solutions.

Bertrand Piccard is known for his around-the-world solar flight in a specially constructed solar aircraft, the Solar Impulse. According to Piccard, the motivation for this project was the implementation of more energy-efficient, renewable energies in industry and business. Following the around-the-world trip, along with partners, Piccard founded the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions in 2017, with the goal of identifying 1000 clean and efficient solutions to combat the climate crisis. In 2021, the Solar Impulse Foundation, as it is now known, achieved this goal.

With this foundation, Piccard aims to show that solving climate change is not an expensive problem but rather a fantastic market opportunity. He actively speaks out against the absurdity of antiquated and polluting systems that are still popular today, using his #1000solutions challenge to champion the benefits of existing, efficient technologies. In doing so, he hopes to push government and industry into action.

, © SageGlass

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