Glass Industry News

Ritec Recertified!

, Ritec

Ritec International, specialists in ‘non-stick’ surface solutions, is proud to announce it has once again been awarded ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001:2015 – the international quality standards for a company’s products and services – after its re-certification in June this year.

Ritec’s ‘Scope of Registration’ covers:

  • The manufacture of liquid chemical products, marketing and worldwide supply, plus training and on-going technical and aftersales support services for the various Ritec Systems and Products
  • Ritec provide products and solutions for renovation, “non-stick” protection and maintenance of glass, metal and plastic surfaces

Ritec’s route to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 involved a thorough independent assessment of all internal systems, from production and sales order processing, purchasing, staff training, administration and environmental policies and processes.

Achieving these coveted ISO standards bring many benefits to Ritec, its staff and its customers, says the company’s Production Manager, Martin Burkett AIIRSM, who was responsible for overseeing the certifications: “Although our systems already met the required environmental, quality and management standards, they are also about highlighting areas where we could improve even further. For example, by detailing certain monitoring rather than just basic monitoring, and as a result enhancing productivity and our service to customers, Ritec now measures its aftercare customers’ carbon offset against its refill bottles as one example.”

ISOQAR lead auditor Ian Thomas writes in the Audit Conclusion: “The audit team concludes that the organisation has established and maintained its management system in line with the requirements of the standard(s) and demonstrated to the audit team that it has the ability to systematically achieve the requirements for products and or services within the scope of its activities and in accordance with its policy and objectives”.

Martin Burkett continues, “ISO 9001 and 14001 are great achievements, however we will not rest on our laurels and believe it is important for any organisation to seek ever higher standards. We will continue to ensure that orders are met consistently to the correct specification as well as motivating our staff to work towards continued improvement for the benefit of our business and our customers.”

, © Ritec

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