Glass Industry News


, LiteSentry - Softsolution

In just a few months, a complete transformation of work routines at Flachglas Wernberg demonstrates how modern quality assurance operates faster, more accurately, and more efficiently. With the CulletScanner from Softsolution, the company bids farewell to time-consuming manual processes and enters a new era of digital precision.

Flachglas Wernberg in Germany has taken a significant step towards digital quality assurance in collaboration with Softsolution. Since June 2024, the company has used an innovative digital fragmentation analysis with the CulletScanner from Softsolution.

Josef Failer, Head of Quality Assurance at Flachglas Wernberg, enthusiastically describes the change: "Gone are the days of blueprints, ammonia, and manual evaluation and archiving. The effort is now minimal!" The scanner enables fragmentation analyses for glass up to 1000 mm x 2000 mm according to international standards. The process is straightforward: The glass is placed on a transparent scanning table, fixed, and broken according to the standard. This is followed by digital evaluation and archiving. By assigning the results to orders via input on the monitor, the outcome is retrievable at any time.

Mr. Failer particularly emphasizes the excellent collaboration with Softsolution from planning to commissioning and beyond. The regular exchange on project progress and implementing desired adjustments went smoothly. Competent contacts were always available for both hardware and software-related questions.

The close cooperation led to an efficient pre-acceptance at Softsolution in Waidhofen/Ybbs and a trouble-free installation at Flachglas Wernberg. The scanner could be immediately integrated into the production process at the Wernberg site and was instantly accepted by the operating personnel for checking the fragmentation quality, the quality manager is pleased to report.

After six months of use, Flachglas Wernberg draws an extremely positive conclusion. "We have been working with the scanner for about half a year now and are still thoroughly enthusiastic," Josef Feiler recaps. This satisfaction underscores the success of the partnership between Flachglas Wernberg and Softsolution, which not only revolutionizes quality assurance but also sets new standards in the industry.

About the Flachglas Group/Flachglas Wernberg: 

The Flachglas Group is a leading provider of high-quality glass solutions for architects, planners, and facade builders. With a strong focus on quality management, the company develops customized glass concepts that meet the highest technical and design requirements.

At three German locations, the Flachglas Group refines glass and produces innovative glazing. The company relies on certified, environmentally conscious solutions that perfectly combine aesthetics and functionality.

The Flachglas Group was founded in Wernberg-Köblitz and has since developed from a regional glass manufacturer to a supra-regional specialist for high-performance glass. With strategic expansions and a commitment to quality and innovation, the company has become a significant player in the glass industry.

Image 1 – ©Softsolution: CulletScanner at Flachglas Wernberg, from left to right: Mr. Josef Failer (Head of Quality Management) and Mr. Daniel Zanner (Quality Assurance)

Image 2 – © Flachglas Wernberg: 3 Steps - Placing, Breaking, and Scanning the Glass

Image 3 – © Flachglas Wernberg: CulletScanner- Software with Fragmentation Analysis

Image 4 – © Softsolution: CulletScanner Fragmentation Analysis and Certificate

, © LiteSentry - Softsolution

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