Glass Industry News

REHAU Window Solutions and AGC Glass Europe


REHAU Window Solutions enters into a development and sales cooperation with AGC Glass Europe. The alliance is a further strategic step for REHAU Window Solutions in the growth market of Europe. This creates the perfect basis for a very successful partnership between two innovation leaders.

REHAU Window Solutions and AGC Glass Europe are taking a strategic step in the development and marketing of innovative and future-oriented solutions for windows with vacuum insulating glass. The combined know-how of both partners in the areas of window systems and vacuum insulating glass stands for the successful development and marketing of solutions that are particularly outstanding in terms of energy efficiency, comfort and sustainability.


The combination of REHAU solutions for windows and doors and AGC Glass Europe's Fineo vacuum insulating glass thus offers decisive answers to global trends and challenges.

"We are looking forward to a cooperation with a strong partner. This strategic development and sales cooperation is the perfect basis for a very successful collaboration between two innovation leaders. REHAU Window Solutions is thus taking another consistent step on the growth path that we are resolutely pursuing together with our customers and partners. Create Difference. Grow Business", says Frank Zimmermann, CTO REHAU Window Solutions.

The cooperation results in numerous clear advantages for fabricators: components that are coordinated with each other lead to complete solutions that can be processed rationally and safely. The low total weight of the finished window is a further advantage that has a positive effect on production and installation.

The two solutions also fit together perfectly in terms of sustainability: Thanks to the closed material cycle that has been established at REHAU Window Solutions for many years, profile systems from REHAU are characterised by a high proportion of recycled PVC and thus a very low CO2 footprint. With its low material input, the FINEO vacuum insulating glass from AGC Glass Europe also contributes to the smallest possible CO2 footprint. The monolithic construction, made exclusively of glass, enables simple and complete recycling of the FINEO glass pane. 

“We are very enthusiastic about this collaboration with REHAU. This joint development will bring solutions perfectly in line with the expectations of the market, through innovative, energy efficient and sustainable products”, says Serge Martin, CEO FINEO Glass.


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