Glass Industry News

RAL Quality Label for the Super Spacer

, Edgetech Europe GmbH

Edgetech Europe GmbH has successfully subjected three products of the Super Spacer® family to the demanding RAL testing procedure. As of 1st April 2019, Super Spacer® T-Spacer™ Premium, T-Spacer™ Premium Plus and TriSeal™ Premium Plus bear the RAL Quality Label for the first time.
Three years ago, the Flat Glass Quality Association (Gütegemeinschaft Flachglas e.V.) introduced a separate in-house and external form of monitoring for the preliminary products of multiple-pane insulating glass in accordance with the RAL-GZ 520 quality and test regulations. Since then, insulating glass windows may only bear the RAL quality seal if the spacers, desiccants and sealants used in production are also quality-monitored under the RAL system.
When faced by the extremely complicated jungle of seals and labels, even the most well-informed consumer requires guidance and a reliable decision-making aid. The RAL quality labels have ranked among the most prestigious ones in Germany since 1925. There are now more than 160 different products for the individual product groups, and the number of RAL-quality-monitored products has increased to around 9,000. Joachim Stoss, Managing Director of Edgetech Europe GmbH, on the motivation behind having Super Spacer® certified: "The RAL quality label is one of the most reliable and trustworthy quality seals on the market due to its well-defined quality criteria and independent character. By means of the RAL marking of our warm edge spacers, we demonstrate to insulating glass manufacturers that this product was thoroughly tested and fulfils the highest quality demands. Furthermore, the glass industry now has more alternatives when issuing tenders where energy-efficient windows are required."
All three RAL quality-monitored Super Spacer® systems are also certified for Arctic climates and also every climatic zone with lower requirements by the Passive House Institute in Darmstadt. With an edge resistance of 6.11 m K/W, the warm edge Super Spacer® Premium was rated in the highest efficiency class phA+. Where the heat transfer coefficient ψ is concerned, this product also achieves top values of up to 0.028* W/mK (*Super Spacer® Premium made of structural foam is processed in triple-pane insulating glass with hot melt sealing; source: Bundesverband Flachglas e. V. / German flat glass association) and is thus one of the most energy-efficient spacers on the market.
About Edgetech Europe GmbH
Edgetech’s Super Spacer® flexible foam-based spacer systems acts as energy-efficient warm edge spacers in insulating glass windows. They significantly reduce energy loss to the outside, largely prevent condensation and also contribute to the lifetime of a window. On average, worldwide, more than 300 million metres are sold annually in over 90 countries.
Edgetech Europe GmbH, located in Heinsberg Germany, is a fully-owned subsidiary of Quanex Building Products Corporation, an industry-leading manufacturer of components sold to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in the building products industry. Quanex designs and produces energy-efficient fenestration products in addition to kitchen and bath cabinet components, with its head offices in Houston, Texas. Based on turnover Edgetech/Quanex is the world‘s largest manufacturer of spacers. Edgetech Europe GmbH is a sales location for the markets in continental Europe and one of the three worldwide Edgetech production plants, with a total of 450 employees and 16 extruders. 

, © Edgetech Europe GmbH

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