Glass Industry News

Quick and easy graphical analysis of mixer and process data – with ProView from EIRICH

, Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich

ProView process data visualization is a universal tool that is not tied to any specific platform, enabling efficient analysis of operating data. It can be used on a PC in the office or on a tablet or smartphone while on the move.

In many industries, monitoring the mixing process is necessary for reasons of quality assurance, particularly if plants are working automatically, without direct control by a designated member of staff. Changes in the properties or quantities of raw materials/of the product, for example, result in changes in the mixer’s power draw or in the moisture content of the mix. ProView enables simple and quick analysis of the process values in such situations.

Up until now, reading off operating data has been a laborious business. In most cases, data from the plant controller can only be downloaded using a USB stick, and the operator is then required to import this into existing programs. It takes a lot of time and practice before usable displays and reports are achieved.

ProView process data visualization makes life easier. All parameters monitored by sensors in the plant can be viewed in detail in diagrammatic form, on a PC in the office or using a mobile phone while on the move. The data remains in the company, and is stored locally on the machine/plant, not in a Cloud.

As browser-based software that is not tied to any specific platform, ProView works with any controllers, whether from Siemens, Rockwell or Mitsubishi. An industry router connects the world of the machine with the world of the office. Installation on the company network is easy. The program is preconfigured for each machine or plant, but can also be adjusted by the user at any time. This allows other presentations and selection structures to be created to suit customer preferences. Useful tools such as graphical navigation on the time axis, zoom and curve comparison make using the program easier. Statistical parameters such as the mean and the standard deviation can also be displayed as standard.

With ProView from EIRICH, easy access to real-time and also to historical data becomes possible. Information is acquired that can be used directly by Quality Assurance, Service or Process Engineering, and which in many instances makes optimizing production flows possible.

EIRICH is looking forward to explaining the advantages for your company to you in a personal conversation.

Further information:

Contact: Michael Link, e-mail:

The EIRICH Group is a supplier of industrial mixing, granulating/pelletizing, drying and fine grinding machinery, systems and services. The Group has its main strategic base at the corporate headquarters site in Hardheim, Germany. EIRICH has core expertise in processes and techniques used for the preparation of free-flowing materials, slurry and sludge. The main fields of application for such technologies include e.g. ceramic and refractory materials, foundries, building materials such as concrete and plaster, battery pastes, fertilizers, glass and the processing of ores. Close co-operation between our own test centers around the world and collaboration with the research and academic community enables the "hidden champion" to provide solutions for innovative, cost-efficient products and processes. The family-managed company was founded in 1863 and operates from twelve locations on five continents.

, © Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich

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