Glass Industry News

Şişecam, a global player in the glass and chemicals industries, was honored wian of the Year Award from Italy´s Leading Business News Channel Le Fonti

, Şişecam

Şişecam, a global player in the glass and chemicals industries, was honored with the Chairman of the Year (Chairman Dell’Anno) award at the Le Fonti Awards. This prestigious awards platform is organized by Le Fonti, a leading business news broadcasting company in Italy, an important gateway to Western Europe for Şişecam. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kırman, Şişecam Chairman and Executive Member of the Board, received the award at a ceremony held in Milan, Italy on October 6th.


Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kırman stated: “Şişecam has been conducting business operations in Italy since 2005 with its value-added investments in different areas. Italy is a special country with great strategic importance for us. We are steadily moving forward on our journey to create value with our sustainability-oriented practices and development-based approach that includes all our stakeholders. We would like to thank Le Fonti TV, a leading broadcasting company in Italy, for this special award that crowns Şişecam's global achievements and makes us very proud.”


07.10.2022 – Şişecam, a global player in the glass and chemicals industries, is a standout with its worldwide footprint and exemplary practices. In recognition of its inclusive, excellence-oriented, and sustainable activities, Şişecam received an award at the Le Fonti Awards. The Chairman of the Year (Chairman Dell’Anno) award was granted by an awards platform organized by Le Fonti, a leading economic and business news broadcaster in Italy. The Le Fonti Awards recognize outstanding organizations and their leaders who demonstrate corporate excellence in business innovation, leadership, technological achievement, and employee engagement. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kırman, Şişecam’s Chairman and Executive Member of the Board, was presented the Chairman of the Year award.

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kırman, stated: “Şişecam, a global player in the glass and chemicals industries, ranks in the top five globally in its core business areas. In our pursuit of sustainable value-creating growth and global excellence, we conduct manufacturing operations in 14 countries on four continents at 45 facilities with 24,000 employees. We are focused on investing and growing further to become one of the world's top three players in our core business areas. Şişecam is committed to creating sustainable value in every geography where it operates. To ensure our ongoing success, we focus on achieving excellence across all our business operations and processes while effectively managing our robust and agile global organization. At Şişecam, we believe that healthy growth is only possible with an inclusive approach that supports the development of our entire ecosystem. With this perspective, we are implementing innovative projects and initiatives to improve the environment, society, and life in every territory where we operate."

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kırman stated that Italy, where Şişecam engages in chromium, flat glass, and refractories production, is an important gateway to Western Europe. He continued: “We are expanding our business activities in Italy, which started in 2005, with new investments. Currently, we employ 550 people in the country and Şişecam is the largest Turkish investor in Italy. We are also the leading manufacturer of flat glass in the country. Şişecam contributes to Italy's economy with its value-added products, employment opportunities, and exports. We are pleased that the significant value we add to the country's economy is recognized and appreciated. In 2019, I was honored with the with the honor of "Cavaliere" of the Order of the Star of Italy, bestowed by the President of the Italian Republic. This distinction was a source of tremendous pride for me. Today, I am very pleased once again to receive such a meaningful award from Le Fonti TV. I would like to thank for this special award. I sincerely believe that Şişecam's strong cooperation with Italy will continue and contribute to our ongoing global success story.”

, © Şişecam

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